The national blue-chip index dedicated to the Irish market.

Why invest in ISEQ 20?

The ISEQ 20® Index is designed to reflect the price level trends in the trading of shares listed on Euronext Dublin.

Euronext Dublin is the Administrator and the ISEQ Committee is the independent supervisor of the index family.

The index is a free float market capitalisation weighted reflecting the performance of the largest shares listed on Euronext Dublin. It is the most widely used indicator of the Irish stock market.


Stocks are screened to ensure liquidity to ensure that the index is investable.


The index rules are transparent and publicly available on Euronext website.

The ISEQ Family offers opportunities for the creation of a wide range of investment vehicles such as ETFs, structured products and funds.

Learn more about ISEQ 20:


ISEQ 20 factsheet   |   ISEQ Family Index Rules


Euronext Blue-chip indices

The ISEQ 20 Index is a key component in a broader suite of flagship indices across the Euronext's geographies.



Watch the ISEQ presentation:


About ISEQ

Quarterly reviewed

Reviews of the ISEQ 20® are set quarterly, effective in March, June, September and December.

Supervised by a Scientific Committee.

The committee is composed of independent experts, who are not Euronext employees, and are appointed for a period of three years. The committee’s mission is to select the companies included in the ISEQ 20 index based on a dedicated set of rules, and to ensure its representativeness. Committee meetings take place at least four times a year, coinciding with the ISEQ review periods. The dates and decisions are made public right after the meeting. All matters discussed and information provided are strictly confidential. Euronext has no voting rights in the index composition.

Why 20 securities?

20 securities facilitate hedging and arbitrage strategies on the derivatives markets

You don’t have to be a Irish company to be part of the ISEQ 20

Any foreign company listed on the Irish stock market can also be part of the ISEQ 20 in case the company has its center of economic interest in Ireland.

Contact us at sends email)  for any queries.

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