The thematic index dedicated to the cybersecurity industry. 

Why invest in Cybersecurity? 

The digital transformation of society has expanded the threat landscape and is bringing about new challenges that require adapted and innovative responses. Meanwhile, the number of cyberattacks recorded continues to rise, with increasingly sophisticated attacks coming from a wide range of sources. 

Data collection and processing are now integral to the day-to-day business of many companies, including some of the world's largest companies by market capitalisation. The consequences of a data breach or security breach have never been so far-reaching; and if a company is found to have poor data protection practices, it could mean the end of that business. 

Euronext Cybersecurity World Index Key Principles


Cybersecurity Programme 

The Euronext® Cybersecurity World Index tracks the performance of large cap companies expertly managing their cybersecurity programme, privacy and data security policy and data privacy programme.

Data Privacy & Security Policy 

Exclusion of companies not implementing an adequate, strong or very strong policy in terms of collecting, disclosing and protecting consumers’ personal information. 

Data Privacy Programme 

Exclusion of companies not implementing adequate, robust or very strong privacy management controls 

Data assessed by Sustainalytics


The Euronext ® Cybersecurity World Index methodology also includes a negative screening component which excludes companies involved in controversial activities, tobacco, controversial weapons, thermal coal extraction, shale energy, oil sands and artic oil and gas exploration and extraction or specific tailor-made and essential Controversial Weapons. 

Cybersecurity building blocks for index creation


Contact Us

The Euronext Biodiversity Screened World Index offers opportunities for a large range of investment vehicles such as ETFs, funds and structured products

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Euronext Cybersecurity World Index ESG Report




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