Displaying 1 - 50 of 93 results
Released Company Title Industry Topic
25 Jul 2024
19:47 CEST
DEEZER Deezer nomme Alexis Lanternier au poste de directeur général pour accélérer le développement de l\'entreprise tout en poursuivant son cap vers une croissance rentable. 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
25 Jul 2024
19:47 CEST
DEEZER Deezer appoints Alexis Lanternier as CEO to accelerate the company\'s future development while continuing its path toward profitable growth 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
09 Jul 2024
18:08 CEST
DEEZER Half-year report on Deezer’s liquidity contract with BNP Paribas 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
09 Jul 2024
18:08 CEST
DEEZER Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité de Deezer avec BNP Paribas 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
09 Jul 2024
18:05 CEST
DEEZER Information concerning the total number of voting rights and shares in the share capital as of June 30, 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
09 Jul 2024
18:05 CEST
DEEZER Informations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social au 30 juin 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
04 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
DEEZER Deezer announces the success of its offer to the public and confirms the transfer of its listing to the general segment of Euronext Paris 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
04 Jul 2024
17:45 CEST
DEEZER Deezer annonce le succès de son offre au public et confirme le transfert de sa cotation sur le compartiment général d’Euronext Paris 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
01 Jul 2024
08:00 CEST
DEEZER Deezer to transfer its listing to the general segment of Euronext Paris 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
01 Jul 2024
08:00 CEST
DEEZER Deezer lance le transfert de sa cotation sur le compartiment général d’Euronext Paris 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
13 Jun 2024
17:50 CEST
DEEZER Le Conseil d’administration renouvelle Iris Knobloch en qualité de Présidente du Conseil d’administration 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
13 Jun 2024
17:50 CEST
DEEZER The Board of Directors renews Iris Knobloch as Chair of the Board of Directors 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
04 Jun 2024
18:00 CEST
DEEZER Informations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social au 31 mai 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
04 Jun 2024
18:00 CEST
DEEZER Information concerning the total number of voting rights and shares in the share capital as of May 31, 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
23 May 2024
18:00 CEST
DEEZER Mise à disposition des documents préparatoires à l’assemblée générale annuelle mixte des actionnaires du 13 juin 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Income
23 May 2024
18:00 CEST
DEEZER Availability of preparatory documents for the annual general meeting of June 13, 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Income
13 May 2024
18:00 CEST
DEEZER Informations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social au 30 avril 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
13 May 2024
18:00 CEST
DEEZER Information concerning the total number of voting rights and shares in the share capital as of April 30, 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
30 Apr 2024
20:47 CEST
DEEZER Availability of the 2023 Universal Registration Document including the Annual Financial Report 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
30 Apr 2024
20:47 CEST
DEEZER Mise à disposition du Document d’Enregistrement Universel 2023 contenant le Rapport Financier Annuel 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
29 Apr 2024
17:40 CEST
DEEZER Deezer accelerates growth at +15% in Q1 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters General meeting / Board Meeting
29 Apr 2024
17:40 CEST
DEEZER Accélération de la croissance à +15% au T1 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters General meeting / Board Meeting
03 Apr 2024
18:00 CEST
DEEZER Information concerning the total number of voting rights and shares in the share capital as of March 31, 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
03 Apr 2024
18:00 CEST
DEEZER Informations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social au 31 mars 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
21 Mar 2024
13:55 CET
DEEZER Merlin et Deezer renouvellent leur partenariat pour défendre la croissance du secteur de la musique indépendante grâce au modèle de rémunération centré sur l’artiste 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
21 Mar 2024
13:55 CET
DEEZER Merlin and Deezer renew partnership around new streaming model to ensure continuous growth for indie music 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
19 Mar 2024
13:00 CET
DEEZER Deezer figure dans le classement annuel « World\'s Most Innovative Companies » de Fast Company 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
19 Mar 2024
13:00 CET
DEEZER Deezer named to Fast Company’s annual list of the World’s Most Innovative Companies 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
13 Mar 2024
19:15 CET
DEEZER Evolution de la gouvernance de Deezer – Nomination d’un CEO par Intérim 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
13 Mar 2024
19:15 CET
DEEZER Evolution of Deezer’s governance – Interim CEO Announcement 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
04 Mar 2024
19:10 CET
DEEZER Informations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social au 29 février 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
04 Mar 2024
19:10 CET
DEEZER Information concerning the total number of voting rights and shares in the share capital as of February 29, 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
28 Feb 2024
18:13 CET
DEEZER Deezer - Résultats 2023 : Performance et dynamique solides; confirmation des objectifs financiers 2024/25 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
28 Feb 2024
18:13 CET
DEEZER Deezer FY23 Results: Strong performance and momentum; reiterating financial targets for 2024 & 2025 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
28 Feb 2024
17:52 CET
DEEZER Evolution of Deezer’s governance – Departure of Jeronimo Folgueira 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
28 Feb 2024
17:52 CET
DEEZER Evolution de la gouvernance de Deezer - Départ de Jeronimo Folgueira 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
05 Feb 2024
17:45 CET
DEEZER Information concerning the total number of voting rights and shares in the share capital as of January 31, 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
05 Feb 2024
17:45 CET
DEEZER Informations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social au 31 janvier 2024 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
23 Jan 2024
17:45 CET
DEEZER Deezer and TIM renew thriving long term partnership in Brazil 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
23 Jan 2024
17:45 CET
DEEZER Deezer et TIM renouvellent leur partenariat privilégié au Brésil 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
17 Jan 2024
07:40 CET
DEEZER Deezer and Fnac Darty renew successful commercial partnership in France 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
17 Jan 2024
07:40 CET
DEEZER Deezer et Fnac Darty renouvellent leur partenariat commercial en France 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
10 Jan 2024
18:18 CET
DEEZER Bilan semestriel du contrat de liquidité de Deezer avec BNP Paribas 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
10 Jan 2024
18:18 CET
DEEZER Half-year report on Deezer’s liquidity contract with BNP Paribas 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
09 Jan 2024
07:45 CET
DEEZER Deezer nomme Ivana Kirkbride Chief Commercial Officer afin d’accélérer le développement de ses partenariats et son expansion internationale. 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
09 Jan 2024
07:45 CET
DEEZER Deezer appoints Ivana Kirkbride as Chief Commercial Officer to accelerate global expansion and drive partnership growth 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
08 Jan 2024
17:54 CET
DEEZER Informations relatives au nombre total de droits de vote et d’actions composant le capital social au 31 décembre 2023 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
08 Jan 2024
17:54 CET
DEEZER Information concerning the total number of voting rights and shares in the share capital as of December 31, 2023 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Other subject
07 Dec 2023
08:45 CET
DEEZER Deezer et France Billet s\'associent pour offrir aux utilisateurs de Deezer une expérience encore plus intuitive 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal
07 Dec 2023
08:45 CET
DEEZER Deezer teams up with France Billet for its in-app concert discovery 40301035 Radio and TV Broadcasters Legal