Commodity Derivatives

  Code Delivery Last +/- Vol Open High Low Settl OI TOT VOL TOT OI
Corn / Mais EMA Mar-25 217.25 1.25 2,049 216.50 217.50 215.25 217.00 14,810 3,792 38,047
European Durum Wheat Futures EDW Mar-25 - - - - - - 319.50 - - -
European Salmon Futures ESF Feb-25 - - - - - - 8,970.00 1,380 600 16,560
Milling Wheat / Ble de Meunerie EBM Mar-25 234.25 1.75 70,859 233.00 234.75 231.75 234.50 229,423 125,726 582,030
Rapeseed / Colza ECO Feb-25 498.00 -10.25 86 507.25 507.25 476.00 498.00 173 19,026 144,201
GRAND TOTAL 149,144 780,838

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29/01/2025 EBM
29/01/2025 ECO
29/01/2025 EMA
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