AEX Dividend Index Futures
Exchange contract code AXF
Contract size Contract valued at € 200 per index point (e.g. value € 2,000 at 10.00)
Unit of trading 200
Pricing unit/quotation Index points (e.g. 100.00)
Minimum price movement (tick size and value) Central Order Book: 0.01 index point (€ 2 per contract)
Large-in-Scale Facility: 0.0001 index point (€ 0.02 per contract)
Expiry months 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months yearly (of the December cycle)
Introduction of new expiry months New expiry months are available for trading on the first business day after the expiry of a maturity.
Wholesale services Large-in-Scale Facility.
See the “LIS thresholds" document for the minimum size thresholds.
Euronext market Amsterdam
Last trading day Trading ceases at 13:00 CET on the third Friday of the delivery month. In the event that the third Friday is not a business day, the Last Trading Day shall normally be the last business day preceding the third Friday.
Settlement Cash Settlement based on the EDSP
Settlement day First business day after the Last Trading Day
Exchange Delivery Settlement Price (EDSP) The settlement value of the AEX Dividend Index as published at 13:00 (CET) on the third Friday of the delivery month, rounded to three decimal places.
Clearing organization LCH S.A. 
Trading hours Central Order Book: 09:00 – 18:30 CET
Large-in-Scale Facility: 07:15 – 18:30 CET
Trading platform Optiq
Algorithm Central order book applies a price-time trading algorithm with priority given to the first order at the best price.
Last update 21 April 2020
Euronext indices calculates and distributes the AEX® Dividend Index.

The AEX® Dividend Index measures the cumulative value of ordinary gross dividends declared by the index constituents of the AEX-Index®. The value of the dividend index is expressed in terms of index points.

The AEX® Dividend Index is designed to serve as an underlying for futures contracts, providing investors with an additional tool to effectively manage the risk inherent in the dividends distributed by the index constituents.

The rules of the AEX-Index® and the AEX® Dividend Index are published on Rules indices [[link to:]].
  In the United States these products may only be offered and sold to prescribed entities under specified conditions.
Related documentation