Euronext would like to inform clients that the following new indices will be calculated and disseminated on Set of Channels 13 ‘Euronext Indices’ of MDG as from 22 August 2024.

The Administrator of these indices is Euronext Amsterdam:

NameDatafeed nameMnemoIsinCodeMICCurrencyClosing Schedule
Euronext Aerospace and Defense PREN AERODEF WO PRAERDPNLIX00003086XAMSEURUS Market Close
Euronext Aerospace and Defense GREN AERODEF WO GRAERDGNLIX00003094XAMSEURUS Market Close
Euronext Aerospace and Defense NREN AERODEF WO NRAERDNNLIX00003102XAMSEURUS Market Close
Euronext Aerospace and Defense D3.5%EN AERODEF W D3.5%ARD35NLIX00003110XAMSEURUS Market Close
Euronext Aerospace and Defense D5%EN AERODEF W 5%AERD5NLIX00003128XAMSEURUS Market Close


If you have any questions please contact Euronext Index team

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