18 Mar 2025 08:00 CET



In Garpenberg, the mine is backfilled with a mixture of tailings and binder,
also known as paste. The aim is to stabilize the rock and maximize ore tonnage,
as well as reduce the need for disposal in the tailings. As a step towards
gradually expanding production at Garpenberg from 3.5 Mtonnes to 4.5 Mtonnes per
year, Boliden has now decided to invest SEK 750 m in a new paste facility.

"Garpenberg is a world-class deposit and the conditions for developing the mine
are better than I have ever experienced before. This is a first step and gives
us flexibility for the future to optimize production both in the short and long
term," says Stefan Romedahl, President Business Area Mines.

In Garpenberg, several years of major exploration successes have meant that
access to both Mineral Reserves and Mineral Resources is very good. Studies have
therefore been underway for some time on how best to develop the operations. As
a first step, a permit application for a production increase to 4.5 Mtonnes has
now been submitted and a decision has been made to replace a worn-out paste
facility in parallel with increased production capacity. The investment amounts
to a total of SEK 750 m and the plant is being built next to the existing one to
minimize production interruptions and additional costs for other infrastructure.
Most of the investment will be completed in 2026.

However, to reach a production rate of 4.5 Mtonnes per year, further efforts are
required, including development of mine production, underground development, ore
transportation infrastructure as well as debottlenecking in the concentrator. If
permission is granted for the production increase, it is therefore estimated
that a gradual increase in production beyond the currently licensed level of 3.5
million tons could take place.

In parallel with the current decisions, concept studies are continuing to
investigate the conditions for further future production increases, which in
that case will be dependent on expansions of mine production, hoisting,
processing and capacity of tailings facilities.

For further information, please contact:

Klas Nilsson

Director Group Communications

+46 70453 65 88


Metals for generations to come

Boliden's vision is to be the most climate-friendly and respected metal provider
in the world. We are Europe's producer of sustainable metals and, guided by our
values care, courage and responsibility, we operate within exploration, mines,
smelters and recycling. We are around 6,000 employees and have annual revenues
of approximately SEK 90 billion. The share is listed in the Large Cap segment of
NASDAQ Stockholm.




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