17 Mar 2025 08:30 CET


Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limi

Currently the following companies are placed in Recovery Box:

Barramundi Group Ltd (since 09.09.2024)
Alternus Energy Plc (since 19.11.2024)
Nordic Financials ASA (since 29.11.2024)
Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited (since 13.01.2025)

Recovery Box is a special compartment where Oslo Børs can place securities where
the Issuer is subject to circumstances that make pricing of the securities
particularly uncertain. Recovery Box is regulated in section 2.10.2 of Oslo Rule
Book II (Oslo Børs and Euronext Expand) and section 3.8.2 of Euronext Growth
Oslo Rule Book Part II. The relevant security will remain in the Recovery Box
until the circumstances for the allocation to the Recovery Box are no longer

Currently the following companies are placed in Penalty Bench:

Solis Bond Company DAC (since 02.05.2024)
Alternus Energy Plc (since 03.06.2024)
Barramundi Group Ltd. (since 03.06.2024)
EAM Solar AS (since 06.09.2024)

Penalty Bench is a special compartment where the securities of Issuers that fail
to comply with the Rules are placed.

Penalty Bench is regulated in section 2.10.3 of Oslo Rule Book II (Oslo Børs and
Euronext Expand) and section 3.8.3 of Euronext Growth Oslo Rule Book Part II.
Oslo Børs will remove a security from the Penalty Bench and allocate the
security to the normal compartment when the issuer has corrected the violation
of the Rules that was the reason for allocating the security to the Penalty


Seacrest Petroleo Bermuda Limited


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

SEACREST PETROLEO BERMUDA LIMITED, Seacrest Petroleo Ltd 24/27 16,00% USD C


BMG7947V2045, NO0013134759




Euronext Expand Nordic Alternative Bond Market