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- Elopak ASA: Transactions Update Under Share Buy-back Programme
Elopak ASA: Transactions update under share buy-back programme
17 Mar 2025 08:00 CET
Elopak ASA
Elopak ASA ("Elopak", ticker: ELO) announced on February 24, 2025, the launch
of a share buy-back programme for the repurchase of up to 600,000 shares for a
maximum aggregate amount of NOK 30,000,000, to meet the company's obligations
under its long-term incentive plan. The buy-back will be conducted until March
31, 2025.
Please see details enclosed regarding transactions conducted under the
buy-back programme and the company's holding of own shares as at the date
hereof, detailing the transaction on an aggregate daily basis as well as a
comprehensive list of all transactions.
Elopak ASA
Oslo, March 17, 2025
For further information, please contact:
Christian Gjerde, Head of Treasury and Investor Relations
E-mail: christian.gjerde@elopak.com
Tel: +47 980 60 909
This information is subject to disclosure under the Norwegian Securities
Trading Act, §5-12. The information was submitted for publication at
2025-03-17 08:00 CET.
About Elopak
Elopak is a leading global supplier of carton packaging and filling equipment.
The company's iconic Pure-Pak® cartons are made using renewable, recyclable
and sustainably sourced materials, providing a natural and convenient
alternative to plastic bottles that fits within a low carbon circular economy.
Founded in Norway in 1957, Elopak was listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange in
2021. Today it employs 2,850 people and sells 16 billion cartons annually
across more than 70 countries.
Elopak is a UN Global Compact participant member. We have set Science Based
Targets to reduce emissions in line with the 1.5-degree trajectory and aim to
be Net-Zero by 2050. In 2023, we achieved a gold rating by EcoVadis and were
rated top 2% sustainable companies in the world.
For more information, go to www.elopak.com or follow us @Elopak on LinkedIn.
More information:
Access the news on Oslo Bors NewsWeb site
641378_Elopak ASA- Transactions update under share buy-back programme.pdf
641378_Appendix 1 Aggregate transactions 14.03.2025.pdf
641378_Appendix 2 List of transactions 14.03.2025.pdf
Elopak ASA
Oslo Børs Newspoint
Company Name
ELOPAK ASA, Elopak ASA 24/29 FRN, Elopak ASA 24/27 FRN, Elopak ASA 24/31 5,48%
NO0011002586, NO0013234518, NO0013234526, NO0013234534
Oslo Børs