11 Mar 2025 08:00 CET


Medistim ASA

Oslo, 11 March 2025: The Board of Directors of Medistim ASA (“Medistim” or “the
Company”) has resolved to initiate a share buyback program. The share buyback
program will be executed in accordance with the authorization granted to the
Board of Directors by the Annual General Meeting of Medistim held on 24 April

The share buyback program will commence on 11 March 2025 and end no later than 7
May 2025, the last trading day prior to the Company’s 2025 Annual General
Meeting. The share buyback program covers purchases of up to 70,000 shares,
equivalent to approximately 0.38% of the Company's current share capital, with a
maximum consideration of NOK 35,000,000. Shares repurchased under the program
will be used in connection with the Company’s long-term share-based incentive
plan for senior management.

Medistim has engaged DNB Markets, a part of DNB Bank ASA, to manage and carry
out the share repurchases in the market. DNB Markets will make its trading
decisions independently of, and uninfluenced by Medistim.

The share buyback program will be carried out in accordance with Regulation (EU)
No 596/2014 (the "Market Abuse Regulation") and Commission Delegated Regulation
(EU) No 2016/1052 (the "Safe Harbour Regulation").

The Company reserves the right to make subsequent changes to the above terms for
the program and will in such case make appropriate announcements in this

For further information, please contact:

Thomas Jakobsen, Chief Financial Officer, phone: +47 906 59 940
Mail: Thomas.jakobsen@medistim.com

This is information that Medistim is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU
Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to
Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Medistim ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name







Oslo Børs