31 Jan 2025 07:00 CET


Scatec ASA

Oslo, 31 January 2025: In the fourth quarter, Scatec reported proportionate
revenues of NOK 2.68 billion (1.59 billion), with an EBITDA of NOK 1.38 billion
(0.81 billion).

For the full year, Scatec reported proportionate revenues of NOK 7.85 billion
(12.37 billion), with an EBITDA of NOK 4.69 billion (3.85 billion).

Scatec's power plants generated 1,138 GWh in the quarter, up from 811 GWh in the
same quarter last year on a proportionate basis, mainly driven by new plants in
operation. Power production revenues were NOK 1.63 billion (1.04 billion) and
EBITDA ended at 1.35 billion (0.82 billion). The increase was mainly driven by
good performance in the Philippines, new plants in operation and an accounting
gain from the divestment in South Africa.

The Development & Construction (D&C) segment delivered revenues of NOK 1.04
billion (0.53 billion) from construction activities in South Africa, Tunisia,
Botswana and Brazil, with a strong gross margin of 12%.

Net corporate debt was reduced by approximately NOK 1 billion in the quarter
resulting from repayment of USD 72 million drawn under the corporate Revolving
Credit Facility and increase in cash. The cash increase was driven by solid
operational cash flow, proceeds from the farm-down in South Africa and
refinancing of project debt in the Philippines.

Scatec continued to deliver attractive renewables growth in the quarter and
reached important milestones for several development projects. The 142 MW solar
project in Brazil, the additional 60 MW solar project in Botswana, and the 103
MW storage project in South Africa all started construction in the quarter.
Scatec was further awarded a 20-year PPA for a 288 MW solar project in South
Africa during the quarter and signed a 15-year Contract-for-Difference (CfD) in
Romania in January. Scatec now has 0.8 GW under construction and 1.9 GW in
backlog, providing visibility on attractive near-term growth projects which will
to be grid connected over the coming years.

"We have made good progress during the quarter with strong financial performance
across segments, increased construction activities, and reduced our net
corporate debt. We are well positioned for further profitable growth in 2025
based on a growing and maturing backlog and an attractive pipeline. We remain
committed to continue strengthening our financial position by deleveraging on
corporate level with proceeds from strategic divestments," says CEO Terje

Scatec has today announced a contemplated issuance of a new expected NOK 1
billion green bond to extend the corporate maturity profile. The proceeds from
the bond will be used to repay the EUR 114 million bond due 19 August 2025,
enhancing financial flexibility.

Fourth quarter consolidated revenues and other income was NOK 1.15 billion (1.62
billion), EBITDA was NOK 0.82 billion (1.35 billion), and the net profit was NOK
-0.1 billion (0.72 billion).

For the full year, consolidated revenues and other income was NOK 6.57 billion
(4.72 billion), EBITDA was NOK 5.42 billion (3.57 billion), and the net profit
was NOK 1.49 billion (1.12 billion).


* Full year 2025 proportionate power production of 4.1 - 4.5 TWh
* Full year 2025 proportionate EBITDA estimate of NOK 3,750 - 4,050 million
* D&C gross margins for projects under construction and in backlog is
estimated at 10-12%

Additional information
Proportionate historical financial information on a country-by-country level is
attached to the stock exchange notice.

A presentation of the results, followed by a Q&A session will be held
at Scatec's headquarters at Skøyen Atrium III (1(st) floor), Askekroken
11, 0277 Oslo, today at 09:00 am CEST. You can also follow the presentation and
Q&A session from our website, or this direct link:

For further information, please contact:
For analysts and investors: Andreas Austrell, VP IR, phone:
+47 974 38 686, andreas.austrell@scatec.com
(mailto:andreas.austrell@scatec.com)For media: Meera Bhatia, SVP
External Affairs & Communications, phone:
+47 468 44 959, meera.bhatia@scatec.com (mailto:meera.bhatia@scatec.com)

About Scatec
Scatec is a leading renewable energy solutions provider, accelerating access to
reliable and affordable clean energy in emerging markets. As a long-term player,
we develop, build, own, and operate renewable energy plants, with 5 GW in
operation and under construction across five continents today. We are committed
to grow our renewable energy capacity, delivered by our passionate employees and
partners who are driven by a common vision of 'Improving our Future'. Scatec is
headquartered in Oslo, Norway and listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange under the
ticker symbol 'SCATC'. To learn more, visit www.scatec.com
(https://scatec.com/) or connect with us on LinkedIn

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section
5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act

637483_Scatec Q4 2024 presentation.pdf
637483_Scatec Q4 2024 report.pdf
637483_Scatec Q4 2024 historical financial information.zip


Scatec ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

SCATEC ASA, Scatec ASA 21/25 FRN EUR C, Scatec ASA 23/27 FRN C, Scatec ASA 24/28 FRN FLOOR C


NO0010715139, NO0010931181, NO0012837030, NO0013144964




Oslo Børs