02 Jan 2025 15:31 CET


Lea Bank AB

Reference is made to the previous stock exchange notices published by Lea bank
ASA with respect to the merger with Lea bank ASAs wholly owned Swedish
subsidiary Lea Bank AB.

The merger has today been registered with the Swedish Companies Registration
Office (Bolagsverket), and they have notified the Norwegian Register of Business
Enterprises (Foretaksregisteret).

Lea Bank AB has assumed all assets, rights, and obligations of Lea bank ASA, and
Lea bank ASA will consequently be dissolved.

With effect from today, 2. January 2025, Lea Bank AB will assume the position as
debtor under the following bonds previously issued by Lea bank ASA:

ISIN:  NO0010877863, Ticker: BRA01 PRO, Name: Brabank ASA 20/30 FRN C SUB

ISIN:  NO0011108276, Ticker: BRA02 PRO, Name: BRAbank ASA 21/31 FRN C SUB

ISIN:  NO0012750803, Ticker: LEA02 PRO, Name: Lea Bank ASA 22/33 ADJ C SUB

ISIN:  NO0011108953, Ticker: BRA03 PRO, Name: BRAbank ASA 21/PERP FRN C HYBRID

ISIN:  NO0012750795, Ticker: LEA01 PRO, Name: Lea Bank ASA 22/PERP ADJ C HYBRID

The tickers for the bonds will remain unchanged and will be continued listed on
Euronext Nordic ABM.

For further information, please contact:

Oddbjørn Berentsen, CEO

Phone: +46 8 509 285 00

Email: ir@leabank.se

The information in this statement is subject to the disclosure requirements
pursuant to Oslo Stock Exchange's continuing obligations.


Lea bank ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Brabank ASA 20/30 FRN C SUB, BRAbank ASA 21/31 FRN C SUB, BRAbank ASA 21/PERP FRN C HYBRID, Lea Bank ASA 22/PERP ADJ C HYBRID, Lea Bank ASA 22/33 ADJ C SUB


NO0010877863, NO0011108276, NO0011108953, NO0012750795, NO0012750803


Nordic Alternative Bond Market