16 Oct 2024 11:10 CEST



Result of auction in NGB 02/2027 - Norges Bank

Auction date: 16 October 2024
ISIN: NO0010786288
Ticker code: NST 479
Maturity date: 17 February 2027

Allotment price: 95.89 %
Yield: 3.61 %
Allotted volume: 1 250 MNOK
Bids higher than the lowest accepted
price: 1 225 MNOK
Total volume of bids: 2 775 MNOK

Allotment on lowest accepted bids: 17 %

Settlement date: 18 October 2024
Outstanding amount after the auction
(incl.Government’s own holdings): 54 725 MNOK

Result of auction in NGB 08/2033 - Norges Bank

Auction date: 16 October 2024
ISIN: NO0012837642
Ticker code: NST 486
Maturity date: 15 August 2033

Allotment price: 95.82 %
Yield: 3.56 %
Allotted volume: 1 750 MNOK
Bids higher than the lowest accepted
price: 1 650 MNOK
Total volume of bids: 2 925 MNOK

Allotment on lowest accepted bids: 100 %

Settlement date: 18 October 2024
Outstanding amount after the auction
(incl.Government’s own holdings): 58 048 MNOK


Norges Bank


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Den norske stat 24/34 3,625%, 0% Statskasseveksel 18.06.2025


NO0013148338, NO0013261677


Oslo Børs