02 Oct 2024 13:39 CEST


Gjensidige Forsikring ASA

Gjensidige Forsikring (OSE:GJF) will publish the results for the 3rd quarter
2024 on 22 October at 7.00 CET.

22 October (Oslo)

9.00 CET

CEO Geir Holmgren and CFO Jostein Amdal will present the results in a combined
webcast and conference call. The presentation and following Q&A session will be
held in English. The webcast can be viewed live on www.gjensidige.com/ir.

Participants who would like to ask questions can dial in using one of the
telephone numbers below. The full presentation can also be listened to live,
using the same dial-in details.

Dial-in details:
Norway: +47 21 56 33 18

UK/ Europe: +44 (0) 33 0551 0200

USA: +1 786 697 3501

Other locations: Please choose one of the above.

Password: GjensidigeQ3

A replay of the presentation and Q&A session will be made available from the
same day.

11.00 CET

CEO Geir Holmgren and CFO Jostein Amdal will be available for a hybrid Q&A
session for sell-side analysts. Sell-side analysts who wish to attend can
register by sending an e-mail to ir@gjensidige.no by the end of 18 October.
Please specify if the attendance would be in person at Gjensidige's head office,
Schweigaards gate 21 in Oslo or virtually. For virtual participants, dial in
details will be sent upon registration.

Contact persons, Gjensidige Forsikring ASA:
Head of Investor Relations, Mitra Hagen Negård. Tel.: +47 957 93 631
Head of Communication, Øystein Thoresen. Tel.: +47 952 33 382

For more information about Gjensidige, please visit www.gjensidige.com.

Gjensidige is a leading Nordic insurance group listed on the Oslo Stock
Exchange. We have about 4,500 employees and offer insurance products in Norway,
Denmark, Sweden and the Baltic states. In Norway, we also offer pension and
savings. The Group's operating income was NOK 36 billion in 2023, while total
assets were NOK 148 billion.


Gjensidige Forsikring ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

GJENSIDIGE FORSIKRING, Gjensidige Fors ASA 21/51 FRN STEP C SUB, Gjensidige Fors ASA 21/PERP FRN C HYBRID, Gjensidige Forsikrin ASA 23/53 FRN C SUB, Gjensidige Fors ASA 24/PERP FRN C HYBRID, Gjensidige Forsikrin ASA 24/54 ADJ C SUB


NO0010582521, NO0010965437, NO0010965429, NO0013024000, NO0013177220, NO0013167189




Oslo Børs