24 Sep 2024 18:00 CEST



Paris, September 24, 2024 - WALLIX (Euronext ALLIX), a European cybersecurity software developer and expert in identity and access management (IAM) and privileged access management (PAM), has received Happy At Work accreditation from ChooseMyCompany, a world-renowned benchmarking organization that promotes well-being at work through a major annual survey.

“Happy At Work” employees

For the fifth consecutive year, WALLIX took part in the survey conducted by ChooseMyCompany in order to measure the well-being of its 240 employees through an anonymous questionnaire covering the themes of professional development, working environment, motivation and management, pay and recognition, pride and pleasure during the daily working experience.

Posting a participation rate of 69.2%, WALLIX obtained an overall score of 3.97/5 and a recommendation rate of 61.1%:

  • 78.3% of WALLIX employees are satisfied with their work-life balance;
  • 75.8% of WALLIX employees see the impact and usefulness of their work;
  • 73.9% of WALLIX employees appreciate the quality of human relationships at WALLIX;
  • 71.9% of WALLIX employees appreciate their working environment.

WALLIX obtained Happy@Work certification for 2024 in four regions: France, Spain, Europe and World. WALLIX also received HappyIndex®Trainees certification.

A committed CSR policy

WALLIX is committed to responsible and sustainable development. As such, in February 2024 WALLIX was awarded the ESG gold medal in the 2023 EthiFinance ESG Ratings campaign, obtaining a score of 72/100 (compared to a sector average of 47/100) in recognition of its non-financial performance. The employment pillar posted an excellent score of 81/100, well above the sector average of 36/100, demonstrating the Group's

commitment to adopting a responsible attitude towards its employees.

Delphine Schoffler, Human Resources Director at WALLIX : “We are convinced that employee well-being is key to ensuring WALLIX's performance and success. Beyond well-being at work, we listen to employees' needs and try to help them carry out their training and mobility plans so that they can find fulfillment in a stimulating and enriching work environment. As WALLIX grows, new career opportunities open up for employees, who evolve alongside us and help the company evolve! This employee satisfaction has a positive effect on the attractiveness of WALLIX and the quality of services provided to our customers. We therefore intend to continue our efforts to grow our talents and offer them a career that matches their ambitions, and those of the Group.”

For more information, watch the recording of Cyber Vision Day By WALLIX, an event held on May 21, 2024 including an interview with Delphine Schoffler.

Next publication: H1 2024 half-year results, October 10, 2024


WALLIX is a European cybersecurity software developer operating worldwide. Founded in 2003, WALLIX is now a world leader in identity and access security recognized by the most prestigious analyst firms. Its mission is to provide a simple and secure identified access service, so that our customers can operate securely everywhere in digital and industrial environments.

WALLIX solutions are distributed by a network of over 300 resellers and integrators worldwide, and WALLIX supports over 3,000 organizations across more than 90 countries in securing their digital transformation. OT.security by WALLIX is a brand dedicated to digital access and identity security in industrial environments.

WALLIX affirms its digital responsibility and undertakes to help build a trusted European digital space. In 2023, WALLIX was awarded the gold medal for its non-financial rating, obtaining an EthiFinance score of 72/100, well above the tech sector average of 47/100.

The Company has been listed on Euronext (ALLIX) since 2015. The founders and directors are the major long-standing shareholders alongside investment structure TDH (Thierry Dassault Holding).


ACTUS Finance & Communication

Investor Relations - Hélène de Watteville
+33 (0)1 53 67 36 33 / WALLIX@actus.fr

Press Relations – Déborah Schwartz
+33 (0)6 27 09 05 73 / dschwartz@actus.fr

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Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/87877-happy-at-work-vdef-eng.pdf






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