19 Sep 2024 10:30 CEST


Akobo Minerals AB (publ)

OSLO, 19 September 2024:Akobo Minerals
AB (https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/AKOBF/quote?utm_source=Press+Release&utm_me
ium=Press+Release&utm_campaign=New+OTCQX+Company) (Euronext and Frankfurt:

Akobo Minerals, a prominent gold exploration and mining company based in
Scandinavia with operations in Ethiopia, is pleased to announce significant
progress in the development of the Segele mine. The completion of the crosscut
between the Western and Eastern tunnels marks a major milestone, paving the way
for the commencement of first stoping activities into the richest part of the
Segele ore body.

In the recent development phase, the mining team successfully reached the
orebody in both the Western and Eastern tunnels. The completion of the crosscut
is a crucial achievement, as it connects the two tunnels and enhances several
aspects of the mining operation. This crosscut not only provides a secondary
exit, thereby improving safety, but also optimizes ventilation and logistics,
laying the groundwork for the transition from mine development to focusing on

[Et bilde som inneholder natur, grotte, Huleutforsking, Lavatunnel

Automatisk generert beskrivelse]

First view between the Western and Eastern tunnels

Stoping is a critical process in underground mining, involving the extraction of
ore from a series of large inclined openings, known as stopes, which are created
in the orebody. Essentially, stoping creates voids or spaces where the ore has
been removed.

The strategic positioning of the crosscut between the Trial Stope and Stope 01
provides the company with the flexibility to investigate both stopes in parallel
rather than in sequence. This parallel approach allows for the possibility of
prioritizing Stope 01, which is located in the richest part of the ore body.

[Et bilde som inneholder diagram, Plottdiagram, line

Automatisk generert beskrivelse]

Table 1: Details of initial stope-groups to be mined. Showing gold endowment
from Segele SRK Mineral Resource Estimate*

|Stope group no.|Avg. grade|Tonnage|Ounces |Classification**
|1 (group) |74.61 g/t |4,272 t|10,248 oz|Indicated mineral resource

* Mineral Resource Estimate of 94ktons at an average grade of 22.7g/t and
totally 69k ounces. The Mineral Resources are reported above a 2.65g/t Au cut
off (22 April 2022)

** Source: 22nd April 2022. Press release: Akobo Minerals reports significant
gold mineral resource increase and classification upgrade which underpins strong
mine economics.

Akobo Minerals remains committed to advancing its operations at the Segele mine,
with these developments reflecting the company's strategic focus on safe,
efficient, and productive mining practices. The successful completion of the
crosscut between the Western and Eastern tunnels is a key step forward, bringing
the company closer to realizing the full potential of the Segele mine.

For further information, please contact:

Jørgen Evjen, CEO, Akobo Minerals

Mob: (+47) 92 80 40 14

Mail: jorgen@akobominerals.com

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/akobominerals

Web: www.akobominerals.com

About Akobo Minerals

Akobo Minerals is a Scandinavian-based gold exploration and boutique mining
company, currently holding an exploration license covering 182 km2 and a mining
license covering 16 km2 in the Gambela region and Dima Woreda, Ethiopia. The
company has established itself as the leading gold exploration company in
Ethiopia through more than 14 years of on-the-ground activity, which has now
been enhanced further with the development of its Segele mine.

Akobo Minerals' Segele mine has an Inferred and Indicated Mineral Resource of
68,000 ounces, yielding a world-class gold grade of 22.7 g/ton. Still open to
depth, the gold mineralised zone continues to expand and will have a positive
impact on future resource estimates and the life expectancy of the mine. The
exploration license holds numerous promising exploration resource-building
prospects in both the vicinity of Segele and in the wider license area.

Akobo Minerals has an excellent relationship with local communities all the way
up to national authorities and the company places environment and social
governance (ESG) at the heart of its activities - as demonstrated by a planned,
industry-leading, extended shared value program.

Akobo Minerals has built a strong local foothold based on the principles of
sound ethics, transparency and communication, and is ready to take on new
opportunities and ventures as they arise. The company is uniquely positioned to
become a major player in the future development of the very promising Ethiopian
mining industry. The company is headquartered in Oslo and is publicly listed on
the Euronext Growth Oslo Exchange and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the
ticker symbol AKOBO. For US investors, Akobo Minerals
AB (https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/AKOBF/quote?utm_source=Press+Release&utm_me
ium=Press+Release&utm_campaign=New+OTCQX+Company) (OTCQX: AKOBF) is traded on
the OTCQX Best Market, adhering to high financial standards, best practice
corporate governance, and compliance with U.S. securities laws. Additionally,
the company has a professional third-party sponsor introduction, and investors
can access current financial disclosures and Real-Time Level 2 quotes for the
company on www.otcmarkets.com.

Akobo Minerals places great emphasis on meeting and exceeding industry
standards, fully complying with all aspects of the JORC code, 2012. For detailed
information on their adherence to this code, please refer to
https://www.jorc.org/. Akobo Minerals' unwavering commitment to ethical
practices, community engagement, and environmental responsibility positions them
as a formidable force in the evolving landscape of the Ethiopian mining sector.


Akobo Minerals AB (publ)


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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Euronext Growth