16 Sep 2024 19:45 CEST


Schibsted ASA

16.9.2024 19:45:06 CEST | Schibsted | Acquisition or disposal of the issuer's
own shares

Please see below information about transactions made under the buyback programme
announced on 9 September 2024.

Date on which the repurchase programme was announced: 9 September 2024

The duration of the repurchase programme: The buyback programme is planned to be
finalised within 2 May 2025.

Size of the repurchase programme: The purchases will be split 50/50 in nominal
terms between A and B shares, buying up to NOK 1 billion for each of the share

For the period 9 September until 16 September 2024, Schibsted has purchased a
total of 157,000 own A-shares at an average price of NOK 327.1430 per share, and
a total of 169,000 own B-shares at an average price of NOK 308.6127 per share.


Date | Trading Venue | Aggregated | Weighted | Total daily
| | daily volume | average share | transaction
| | (number of | price per day | value (NOK)
| | shares) | (NOK) |
9 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 18,753 | 332.2104 | 6,229,942
| CBOE | 5,269 | 332.5057 | 1,751,973
| Aquis | 256 | 328.2883 | 84,042
| Turquoise | 722 | 330.7620 | 238,810
10 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 15,316 | 335.3708 | 5,136,539
| CBOE | 5,385 | 335.9817 | 1,809,261
| Aquis | 1,110 | 334.9276 | 371,770
| Turquoise | 1,189 | 336.1430 | 399,674
11 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 18,357 | 328.0981 | 6,022,897
| CBOE | 6,260 | 329.5212 | 2,062,803
| Aquis | 1,228 | 331.9606 | 407,648
| Turquoise | 1,155 | 334.8717 | 386,777
12 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 19,582 | 324.9396 | 6,362,967
| CBOE | 5,308 | 323.7788 | 1,718,618
| Aquis | 1,186 | 324.9170 | 385,352
| Turquoise | 924 | 326.9221 | 302,076
13 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 18,503 | 323.9131 | 5,993,364
| CBOE | 6,545 | 323.9698 | 2,120,382
| Aquis | 721 | 323.8130 | 233,469
| Turquoise | 1,231 | 324.6141 | 399,600
16 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 19,152 | 319.1169 | 6,111,727
| CBOE | 6,673 | 320.3557 | 2,137,734
| Aquis | 833 | 319.1508 | 265,853
| Turquoise | 1,342 | 319.0525 | 428,168
Total for | Oslo Børs | 109,663 | 326.9784 | 35,857,436
period | | | |
| CBOE | 35,440 | 327.3355 | 11,600,770
| Aquis | 5,334 | 327.7339 | 1,748,132
| Turquoise | 6,563 | 328.3720 | 2,155,105
| Total | 157,000 | 327.1430 | 51,361,444
Previously | Oslo Børs | 0 | 0.0000 | 0
disclosed | | | |
| CBOE | 0 | 0.0000 | 0
| Aquis | 0 | 0.0000 | 0
| Turquoise | 0 | 0.0000 | 0
| Total | 0 | 0.0000 | 0
Total for | Oslo Børs | 109,663 | 326.9784 | 35,857,436
programme | | | |
| CBOE | 35,440 | 327.3355 | 11,600,770
| Aquis | 5,334 | 327.7339 | 1,748,132
| Turquoise | 6,563 | 328.3720 | 2,155,105
| Total | 157,000 | 327.1430 | 51,361,444


Date | Trading Venue | Aggregated | Weighted | Total daily
| | daily volume | average share | transaction
| | (number of | price per day | value (NOK)
| | shares) | (NOK) |
9 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 20,851 | 313.1076 | 6,528,607
| CBOE | 4,676 | 312.3062 | 1,460,344
| Aquis | 915 | 312.3930 | 285,840
| Turquoise | 558 | 311.1108 | 173,600
10 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 17,445 | 316.0652 | 5,513,757
| CBOE | 5,119 | 315.9348 | 1,617,270
| Aquis | 1,423 | 316.7150 | 450,685
| Turquoise | 1,013 | 316.8849 | 321,004
11 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 20,981 | 309.7107 | 6,498,040
| CBOE | 5,497 | 307.6577 | 1,691,194
| Aquis | 1,458 | 312.5322 | 455,672
| Turquoise | 1,064 | 311.8265 | 331,783
12 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 21,271 | 306.1102 | 6,511,270
| CBOE | 5,509 | 307.3221 | 1,693,037
| Aquis | 1,150 | 305.9174 | 351,805
| Turquoise | 1,070 | 306.3344 | 327,778
13 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 21,087 | 305.7265 | 6,446,855
| CBOE | 5,679 | 306.1340 | 1,738,535
| Aquis | 1,391 | 306.3065 | 426,072
| Turquoise | 843 | 306.3464 | 258,250
16 Sep 2024 | Oslo Børs | 21,856 | 302.2394 | 6,605,744
| CBOE | 6,116 | 303.3666 | 1,855,390
| Aquis | 999 | 301.6599 | 301,358
| Turquoise | 1,029 | 302.8770 | 311,660
Total for | Oslo Børs | 123,491 | 308.5591 | 38,104,273
period | | | |
| CBOE | 32,596 | 308.4971 | 10,055,771
| Aquis | 7,336 | 309.6282 | 2,271,433
| Turquoise | 5,577 | 309.1404 | 1,724,076
| Total | 169,000 | 308.6127 | 52,155,553
Previously | Oslo Børs | 0 | 0.0000 | 0
disclosed | | | |
| CBOE | 0 | 0.0000 | 0
| Aquis | 0 | 0.0000 | 0
| Turquoise | 0 | 0.0000 | 0
| Total | 0 | 0.0000 | 0
Total for | Oslo Børs | 123,491 | 308.5591 | 38,104,273
programme | | | |
| CBOE | 32,596 | 308.4971 | 10,055,771
| Aquis | 7,336 | 309.6282 | 2,271,433
| Turquoise | 5,577 | 309.1404 | 1,724,076
| Total | 169,000 | 308.6127 | 52,155,553

Following the transactions above, Schibsted has bought back a total of 326,000
shares with a transaction value of approx. NOK 103,516,997 under the buyback

The issuer's holding of own shares:

Following the completion of the above transactions, Schibsted owns a total of
157,000 own A-shares, and a total of 580,713 own B-shares, corresponding to
0.32% of total issued shares in Schibsted.


A detailed overview of all transactions made under the buyback programme that
have been carried out during the above-mentioned time period is attached to this
notice and available at www.newsweb.no - https://www.newsweb.no.

Oslo, 16 September 2024



This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


* Malin Ebenfelt, Investor Relations Officer, +47 916 86 710, ir@schibsted.com


Download announcement as PDF.pdf -

20240916 SCHA Trade Details.pdf -

20240916 SCHB Trade Details.pdf -

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627914_20240916 SCHB Trade Details.pdf


Schibsted ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

SCHIBSTED SER. A, SCHIBSTED SER. B, Schibsted ASA 23/28 FRN, Schibsted ASA 23/30 4,85%


NO0003028904, NO0010736879, NO0012911306, NO0012911231




Oslo Børs