10 Sep 2024 13:10 CEST


Avinor AS

4.7 million travelers used all of Avinor's airports in August. This is an
increase of 3 percent compared to August last year.A large part of the growth
comes from foreign tourists to Norway. It is international passenger traffic
that is increasing, by a whole 8 percent. Domestic passenger traffic declined by
1 percent compared to August last year.

The trend continues
"We expect the increase in foreign tourists to continue in the coming years. We
have been seeing this development for a while now, and our forecasts show that
this trend will persist. Although the numbers include Norwegian travelers to
warmer countries, the growth is primarily driven by foreign tourists," says
Gaute Skallerud Riise, Vice President Traffic Development at Avinor.

Passenger numbers and flight movements
2,470,278 passengers traveled domestically in August. This is 1 percent fewer
than in August last year. The number of international travelers was 2,259,174,
which is 8 percent higher than the previous year's August.
There were 63,888 flight movements in August, 4 percent fewer than in August
last year.

The number of Ninox Drone flights has doubled in a year
In August, 2,541 drone flights were reported in Ninox Drone, Avinor's drone
management system. "We are seeing a steadily increasing number of drone
flights," says Mats Gjertsen, who leads Avinor's drone program. "We have now
surpassed 12,000 registered users in Ninox Drone, which is a doubling in one

Link to statistics:


Avinor AS


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