06 Sep 2024 11:23 CEST


Standard Supply AS

Reference is made to the announcement by Standard Supply AS on 23 August 2024
concerning, inter alia, the proposal by the Board of Directors to the general
meeting to distribute an extraordinary distribution of NOK 1.00 per share. The
distribution has today been approved by the Company's extraordinary general
meeting. The general meeting further decided, due to technical reasons, to
divide the payment dates with one payment date for repayment of paid-in capital
and one payment date for payment of dividends.

Updated key information relating to the proposed extraordinary cash distribution
is set out below:

Issuer: Standard Supply AS
Distribution per share: NOK 1.00
Announced currency: NOK
Last day inclusive: 10 September 2024
Ex. date: 11 September 2024
Record Date: 12 September 2024
Payment Date: On or about 18 September 2024 for repayment of paid-in capital
(NOK 0.33 per share) and on or about 19 September 2024 for payment of dividends
(NOK 0.67 per share)
Date of resolution: 6 September 2024
Other information: The distribution will be divided between repayment of paid-in
capital (NOK 0.33 per share) and dividend (NOK 0.67 per share)

This information is published in accordance with the requirements of the
Continuing Obligations.


Standard Supply AS


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