06 Sep 2024 07:16 CEST


Carucel Property AS

We refer to the stock exchange notice published 5 September 2024 regarding the
successful placement of a new senior unsecured bond issue. Carucel Property AS
has today notified Nordic Trustee AS that it will exercise the call option to
redeem all outstanding bonds under its senior unsecured bond issue (with ISIN
NO0010984206)and each Bondholder is hereby given notice thereof. The bonds were
issued 30 April 2021 with maturity 30 April 2025.

The entire bond issue will be repaid at a price equal to 100.91 per cent of the
Nominal Amount, plus accrued and unpaid interest on the redeemed amount, with
settlement date 20 September 2024. The record date for the call option will be
18 September 2024. Reference is made to the attached call notice for further
information about the call option.

For additional information please contact: CIO/CFO Torbjörn Karlsson +47 404 58

627178_Notice of Exercise of Call Option -Existing bonds (executed)(20271487.1).pdf


Carucel Property AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Carucel Property AS 21/25 FRN FLOOR C




Nordic Alternative Bond Market