05 Sep 2024 17:55 CEST


Spir Group ASA

Oslo, 5 September 2024: Mr. Ulf Tore Hekneby, close associate of Mrs. Cecilie
Brænd Hekneby, CFO and primary insider in Spir Group ASA, has today acquired 125
000 Spir shares at a price of NOK 7.70 each. Required notification is attached
to this stock exchange announcement.

This information is subject to disclosure requirements set out in the Market
Abuse Regulation EU 596/2014 Article 19 and the Norwegian Securities Trading Act
Section 5-12.

For further information please contact:
Cecilie Brænd Hekneby, CFO & IR
Tel: +47 99 29 38 26
Email: cecilie.hekneby@spirgroup.com

About Spir Group
Spir Group is a Nordic software house delivering mission critical software and
data within two business areas; Real estate and Public Administration. In Real
estate, Spir Group helps to streamline complex real estate processes through
specialized niche software and data. In Public Administration, Spir Group is one
of Norway’s leading software providers, delivering solutions for case
management, archiving, quality management and internal control systems to the
public sector in Norway. The Group’s customers range from municipalities,
governmental agencies, real estate agents, banks, insurance companies,
appraisers, property developers, media companies, builders, property owners,
engineers, power companies, and building materials production companies. Our
mission is to help our customers streamline their operations and drive
digitization through software, data and artificial intelligence.

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Spir Group ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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Oslo Børs