03 Sep 2024 10:16 CEST


Color Group AS

Color Group AS (org. no. 958815018). After deletion of the company's own
holdings against the principal in relation to the bond loan COLG16, the
principal has been reduced from NOK 800 mill. to NOK 432 mill. This has been
carried out in connection with the main maturity / settlement of COLG16 on 2
October 2024.


Color Group AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Color Group AS 19/24 FRN FLOOR, Color Gr AS 20/PERP FRN C SUB, Color Group AS 23/26 FRN FLOOR, Color Group AS 24/29 FRN FLOOR


NO0010864531, NO0010893340, NO0012841768, NO0013209841


Oslo Børs