30 Aug 2024 15:20 CEST


Statnett SF

Statnett SF – Results first half-year of 2024
Accelerating the pace to meet the power demand

Statnett is increasing investments in the power grid and in digitalization. In
the first half of 2024, around 50 new power grid projects have been initiated,
and 210 larger and smaller projects are currently underway.
- In order to strengthen security of supply and enable the green transition, we
are increasing our efforts and pace. The first half of 2024 shows that we are
making progress, says CFO and Executive Vice President at Statnett, Cathrine
Lund Larsen.

The transition from fossil to renewable energy is happening throughout society.
This requires us to increase the capacity of the power grid. Statnett is
facilitating the green transition and will invest up to NOK 150 billion over
the next ten years.

- Statnett has established an ambitious and forward-looking strategy to be able
to deliver on the green transition. At the same time, we operate in a supplier
market characterized by high demands from many countries and price increases in
several areas. This is challenging for the cost development and completion time
in our projects, says Cathrine Lund Larsen.

During the first half of 2024, the number of large and small ongoing projects
has increased from about 160 to 210. The ongoing grid portfolio has increased
from around NOK 100 billion to NOK 130 billion in the same period.

- We are working to reduce both costs and time in our projects. We are making
significant investments in digital infrastructure and new technology. We are
also working strategically towards the supplier market and streamlining our own
procurement processes. This contributes to an accelerating implementation pace,
says Lund Larsen.

Solid underlying result
Statnett has delivered a solid underlying result, increasing to NOK 1,176
million in the first half of 2024. The improvement in the underlying profit is
largely attributable to an increase in permitted revenue.

- The underlying profit gives the best reflection of Statnett's financial
results. The Norwegian Energy Regulatory Authority (RME) stipulates a cap
(permitted revenue) for Statnett's operating revenues, and the underlying profit
is based on this, says Lund Larsen.

The Group made an accounting net loss of NOK 314 million in the first half of
2024. Congestion revenues were significantly lower compared to the same period
last year due to lower price differences. In recent years, Statnett has paid
back a significant portion of the accumulated congestion revenue to customers
both through reduced tariffs and extraordinary repayments. As a consequence of a
more normalized power situation, Statnett reintroduced the fixed element of the
tariff with effect from 1 January 2024.

The Group's operating expenses increased compared to the same period last year.
A large portion of the increase is attributable to higher costs relating to
Statnett’s initiatives to maintain instantaneous balance in the power system and
to ensure satisfactory quality of supply.

Good security of supply
Security of supply in the first half-year has been good. Despite some extreme
weather events during the winter, outages were brief, and the power grid proved
itself to be robust. A combination of high precipitation and imports of
renewable power gave low prices and several hours of negative prices so far this

There is a high demand for connection to the power grid. At present we have
allocated 8,500 MW to customers that are requesting capacity. Meanwhile, mature
projects with need of 4,600 MW are waiting for allocation. Statnett's area plans
are important tools for the development of the grid. During 2024, the area plans
are to be revised. The area plans facilitate close cooperation between grid
companies, industry and power producers. When fossil energy is to be replaced
with renewable energy on a large scale, we need to increase the capacity of the
power grid both within and between regions, explains Lund Larsen.

Changing security landscape
The security situation in Europe has changed, and secure access to energy has
never been more important. This is a major driver behind the European energy
transition and emphasizes the need for increased cooperation between European
stakeholders. To enable the future power system, increased digitalization in the
power sector is necessary, but at the same time also a source of increased

- It will be important to coordinate efforts across different sectors to
safeguard security of supply and our combined defense capability from a holistic
perspective, says Cathrine Lund Larsen.

(Amounts in NOK million) First half of 2024 First half of
Underlying profit 1 176
Total permitted revenue grid operations 9 223 8
Total operating expenses 7 075 6
Recorded profit for the period -314 -2
Recorded total operating revenue 7 823 4
Congestion revenue 3 295 4
Higher (+)- and lower (-) revenue -1 910 -4
Accumulated higher revenue at the end of period 1 981 4
Investments 3 376 2

On 30 August 2024, the Board of Directors of Statnett approved the Group's
Interim Report for the first half of 2024. The Interim Report is enclosed and
available on www.statnett.no

Facts about Statnett's revenue
Statnett’s operating revenue derives mainly from regulated activities. The
Norwegian Energy Regulatory Authority (RME) determines how much revenue Statnett
can collect from regulated activities each year, and the underlying profit/loss
is based on this permitted revenue. However, the recorded revenue derives from
transmission charges (tariff) and congestion revenue, which vary. This means
that each year the accounting profit/loss deviates from the underlying
profit/loss. The difference between the recorded profit and underlying profit,
referred to as higher or lower revenue, will level out over time through
adjustment of tariffs, ensuring that Statnett's revenue corresponds to the
regulated permitted revenue.

Cathrine Lund Larsen
Chief Financial Officer
Mobile: +47 979 75 867

Petter Erevik
Director of Finance
Mobile: +47 952 82 840

Anbjørg Bakken
Senior Communication Advisor
Mobile: +47 990 09 260


626762_Statnett Half year report 2024.pdf


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