27 Apr 2023 16:15 CEST


5th Planet Games A/S

COPENHAGEN, 27 April 2023: At the Annual General Meeting held today in 5th
Planet Games A/S (the "Company"), the Annual Report for the period from 1.
January - 31. December 2022 was presented and approved. In addition, the Annual
General Meeting decided;

1. To adopt the proposed remuneration for 2023 to the Board of Directors.
2. To discharge from liability the Board of Directors and the Executive
3. To use profit or settlement of loss according to the adopted Annual Report.
4. To re-elect Jon Goldman, David Alpert, Henrik Nielsen and Søren Kokbøl Jensen
as members of the Company's Board of Directors.
5. To re-elect Grant Thornton as the company's auditor.

Full minutes of the Annual General Meeting are attached to this publication and
will be made available on the Company's website.

For further information, please contact;
CEO, Mark Stanger ir@5thplanetgames.com or visit

About 5th Planet Games
5th Planet Games is a video games publisher located in Copenhagen, active in
games across all global platforms and devices. It has a long and successful
history of working with established brands and strong IP. Now, in partnership
with Skybound Entertainment, the company will extend access to compelling,
global IP such as The Walking Dead.

About Skybound Entertainment
Established in 2010, Skybound Entertainment is a multiplatform content company
that works closely with creators and their intellectual properties to deliver
one-of-a-kind experiences to fans. The company is home to critically acclaimed
global franchises including The Walking Dead, Invincible, Superfight and Impact

588834_Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2023.pdf


5th Planet Games A/S


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