25 Apr 2023 07:00 CEST


Entra ASA

25.4.2023 07:00:01 CEST | Entra ASA | Additional regulated information required
to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Oslo, 25 April 2023 - Rental income was up by 12 per cent to 872 million in Q1
2023 compared to 781 million in Q1 2022. Net income from property management was
impacted by higher financing costs and came in at 391 million (433 million) in
the quarter. Net value changes were -451 million (3,146 million) in the quarter
and profit before tax was -70 million (3,583 million).

Entra has signed new and renegotiated leases with annual rent totalling 103
million (39,800 sqm) in the quarter. As of 31.03.23 the portfolio occupancy was
96.0 per cent (97.3 per cent) and the average unexpired lease term of contracts
was 6.3 (6.6) years.

During the quarter, Entra sold the property Grønland 32 in Drammen for NOK 335
million which was 18 % above book values as of 31.12.22 and prepared for start
of a new-build project of 2,750 sqm in Malmskriverveien 18 in Sandvika.

(NOK million) | Q1-23 | Q1-22 | 2022
Rental income | 872 | 781 | 3,158
Net operating income | 798 | 717 | 2,895
Net income from property management | 391 | 433 | 1,603
Net value changes | -451 | 3,146 | -2,046
Profit/loss before tax | -70 | 3,583 | -467
| | |
Cash Earnings per share | 2.13 | 2.35 | 8.63
EPRA NRV per share | 207 | 235 | 207
EPRA NTA per share | 204 | 233 | 205

The Board has proposed that the annual general meeting (AGM) to be held today
approves the distribution of a dividend of NOK 2.50 per share for the second
half of 2022. The Board has also proposed that the AGM grants the Board an
authorization to resolve distribution of dividends for the first half of 2023,
in accordance with the dividend policy.

Considering the current market situation, the Board wishes to signal that the
Board's decision will be affected by the future development in the financing and
property market, and that such decision may be to retain up to 100 % of the cash
flow in order to strengthen the company's balance sheet. Such decision will be
made in October 2023.

Entra ASA will present its financial and operating results today at 08:30 CET
through a live webcast. The webcast can be followed from:
https://entra.no/investor-relations. The presentation as well as the full
quarterly report is available on the company's website.

Oslo, 25 April 2023

Entra ASA

For further queries please contact: Sonja Horn, CEO, tel: +47 905 68 456, email:

sh@entra.no or Anders Olstad, CFO, tel + 47 900 22 559, email:ao@entra.no


This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Entra is a leading owner, manager and developer of office properties in Norway.
Entra owns and manages around 102 properties totalling approximately 1.6 million
square meters, located in Oslo and the surrounding region, Bergen and Trondheim.

Entra has a solid customer portfolio with a high proportion of public tenants.
The company's strategy is focused on delivering profitable growth, high customer
satisfaction and environmental leadership


Download announcement as PDF.pdf -

Q1 2023 report.pdf -

588388_Download announcement as PDF.pdf
588388_Q1 2023 report.pdf


Entra ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

ENTRA, Entra ASA 16/23 2,45%, Entra ASA 16/23 FRN, Entra ASA 17/24 FRN, Entra ASA 19/26 2,79%, Entra ASA 19/25 FRN, Entra ASA 20/27 FRN, Entra ASA 20/28 1,66%, Entra ASA 21/25 1.96 pct, Entra ASA 21/29 FRN, Entra ASA 21/30 2.49 pct, Entra ASA 21/30 FRN, Entra ASA 21/29 2.00pct, Entra ASA 21/26 FRN, Entra ASA 21/26 1.50pct


NO0010716418, NO0010766389, NO0010774797, NO0010789464, NO0010852684, NO0010852692, NO0010886856, NO0010895964, NO0011011256, NO0011017147, NO0011041535, NO0011079808, NO0011094641, NO0011094625, NO0011094633




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