25 Apr 2023 09:38 CEST


IceBear Steenwijk B.V.

Steenwijk, Netherlands, April 25, 2023


Reference is made to the company's notification of 17 April 2023 and 20 April
2023 where the Company informed about challenges in production ramp-up and
quickly worsening market conditions.

The company is in the process of finalizing its annual statements and has been
informed that based on the auditors' current review of the company's financial
statements for 2022, the auditors expects that it could be challenging to issue
the independent auditor's report with a going concern confirmation or a going
concern confirmation without any reservations or remarks on or prior to 28 April
2023, i.e. the deadline for publication of the company's annual statements as
set out in the company's bond terms. The company will continue its work and
dialogue with the auditors with the aim to address the concerns raised by the
auditor's as to the going concern assumption.

In conjunction with the notified challenges, we attach the presentation for the
Group Credit Investor Update call to be held on April 25th at 10:00.

For further information, please contact Christian Den Doelder at cdd@icebear.eu.

588413_20230425 Bondholder meeting ICB_vPresented.pdf


IceBear Steenwijk B.V.


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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