24 Apr 2023 18:20 CEST


SmartCraft ASA

24.4.2023 18:20:50 CEST | SmartCraft ASA | Acquisition or disposal of the
issuer's own shares

Please see below information about transactions made under the share buy-back
programme for SmartCraft ASA ("SmartCraft") (Ticker: SMCRT NO).

Date on which the share buy-back programme was announced: 2 November 2022.

The duration of the buy-back programme: 3 November 2022 until no later than the
day before the Issuer's Annual General Meeting in 2023.

Size of the buy-back programme: Up to 3,430,446 shares, for a maximum
consideration of NOK 85,000,000.

From 14 April 2023 until 24 April 2023, SmartCraft has purchased a total of
33,912 own shares at an average price of NOK 19.6747 per share.

Aggregated overview of transactions per day:

Date | Aggregate daily | Weighted average | Total transaction
| volume (# of | price (NOK) | value (NOK)
| shares) | |
14.04.2023 00:00:00 | 3,942 | 19.9334 | 78,577.46
17.04.2023 00:00:00 | 14,132 | 19.9395 | 281,785.01
18.04.2023 00:00:00 | 7,949 | 19.6151 | 155,920.43
19.04.2023 00:00:00 | 584 | 19.5500 | 11,417.20
20.04.2023 00:00:00 | 0 | n.a. | n.a.
21.04.2023 00:00:00 | 3,073 | 19.1181 | 58,749.92
24.04.2023 00:00:00 | 4,232 | 19.0829 | 80,758.83
| | |
Previously | 1,258,703 | 17.5637 | 22,107,498.02
disclosed buy-backs | | |
under the programme | | |
(aggregate) | | |
Total purchased | 1,292,615 | 17.6191 | 22,774,706.88
under the programme | | |

This information is published in accordance with the requirements in article 5
of the EU Market Abuse Regulation and subject to the disclosure requirements
pursuant to Section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

Appendix: A detailed overview of all transactions made under the buy-back
programme that have been carried out during the above-mentioned time period is
attached to this report.


* Kjartan Bø, CFO, +47 410 27 000, kjartan.bo@smartcraft.com


SmartCraft is the leading Nordic provider of mission-critical SaaS solutions to
SME's in the construction sector. The company's business model is highly
scalable, based on 96% recurring revenue and low churn. The construction sector
is among the least digitalized industries and represents a NOK 10bn software
market in the Nordics, growing at a double-digit rate. SmartCraft's solutions
help customers to increase their productivity, margins, and resource efficiency.


SMCRT Share buyback 24 April 2023.pdf -

588374_SMCRT Share buyback 24 April 2023.pdf


SmartCraft ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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Oslo Børs