19 Apr 2023 16:35 CEST

Finanstilsynet has reviewed certain aspects of First Mover Group Holding ASAs
financial statements for 2021. The review has included the lack of reporting on
corporate governance pursuant to Section 3-3b of the Norwegian Accounting Act,
unclear and insufficient information on segments according to IFRS 8 Operating
segments, unclear and insufficient information related to operating revenues
from contracts with customers according to IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with
customers, unclear and insufficient information on goodwill according to IAS 36
Impairment of assets and certain other matters. The company agrees with
Finanstilsynet’s view and will improve its future reporting. Finanstilsynet
takes note of this assumes that the company will improve its reporting and give
the required disclosures in the financial statements for 2022.

587979_Kontroll av finansiell rapportering First Mover Group Holding AS.pdf




Oslo Børs Newspoint

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