19 Apr 2023 18:00 CEST



VOGO (ISIN: FR0011532225 - ALVGO) announces the approval by its shareholders at today's General Meeting and the final completion of the capital increase without preferential subscription rights reserved entirely to ABEO for an amount of €5M. This transaction stems from a shared desire by both companies to further strengthen their commercial and technological partnership in order to develop joint offers in various sports segments.

In accordance with the joint press release of 8 March 2023 and the memorandum of understanding signed on the same day, the transaction includes:

  • The subscription by ABEO to a capital increase without preferential subscription rights reserved to it[1] through the issuance of 869,566 shares at a unit price of €5.75 for a total amount of approximately €5 million. The subscription price set at €5.75 per share evidenced a premium of 38.55% on the closing price on 7 March 2023, being the day before the transaction was announced.
  • The appointment of ABEO, represented by its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Olivier Estèves, as Member of the Board of VOGO.

The shareholders present and represented at the Combined General Meeting relating to the transaction accounted for 55.2% of the share capital and 64.8% of the voting rights. All the resolutions on the agenda of the Meeting were adopted by a large majority, including the founding shareholders of VOGO[2].

The new shares will be issued on 21 April 2023 and will be traded under the same ISIN code as the existing shares (ISIN: FR0011532225 - Ticker: ALVGO). They will be assimilated to and confer the same rights as existing shares.

As detailed in the joint press release of 8 March 2023, the proceeds of the fundraising:

  • strengthens VOGO's resources for international development, particularly in North America;
  • helps VOGO continue implementing its innovation strategy, particularly in the area of detecting concussions in sport.

This operation demonstrates a shared desire by both companies to further strengthen their technological and commercial partnership. This partnership was initiated in 2019 and resulted in 2020 in the creation of the joint venture VOGOSCOPE, in order to commercialize worldwide turnkey solutions for multi-camera capturing and Live & Replay video broadcasting for various sports disciplines, training centres and local authorities.

This capital increase also stems from a shared ambition by both allies to identify and address new markets together. In a context of enhanced digitalisation of sport, their combined expertise, blending knowhow in technology and sports equipment, will help drive growth in new market segments and broaden the international reach of both groups.

Impact of the capital increase

Following completion of the capital increase, the new shares represent 17.50% of the share capital and 12.18% of the voting rights of VOGO, which share capital totals €621,057.625, divided into 4,968,461 shares. For illustrative purposes, this means that a shareholder who owned 1% of VOGO's share capital before the capital increase now owns 0.82% of VOGO's share capital.

Change in shareholder structure

VOGO's shareholding structure before the issuance of the new shares is set out below:

Shareholders Share capital prior to the capital increase
Number of shares % of share capital Voting rights % voting rights
SAS TWO C(1) 630,295 15.38% 1,185,395 18.91%
SAS ESPE(2) 589,260 14.38% 1,178,520 18.80%
Daniel Dedisse 267,699 6.53% 535,398 8.54%
Véronique Puyau 74,600 1.82% 149,200 2.38%
Sub-total founders 1,561,854 38.10% 3,048,513 48.62%
IRDI/SORIDEC 30,072 0.73% 60,144 0.96%
Jeremie LR 60,144 1.47% 120,288 1.92%
Sub-total institutional investors 90,216 2.20% 180,432 2.88%
Free float 2,446,825 59.69% 3,040,679 48.50%
TOTAL 4,098,895 100% 6,269,624 100%

(1) 66.6% of which capital is held by Mr. Christophe Carniel, Chairman and CEO of VOGO.

(2) 95% of which capital is held by Mr. Pierre Keiflin, Deputy Managing Director of VOGO.

The issuance of the new shares has the following impact on VOGO's shareholding structure (ownership and voting rights):

Shareholders Share capital after the capital increase
Number of shares % of share capital Voting rights % voting rights
SAS TWO C(1) 630,295 12.69% 1,185,395 16.60%
SAS ESPE(2) 589,260 11.86% 1,178,520 16.51%
Daniel Dedisse 267,699 5.39% 535,398 7.50%
Véronique Puyau 74,600 1.50% 149,200 2.09%
Sub-total founders 1,561,854 31.44% 3,048,513 42.70%
IRDI/SORIDEC 30,072 0.61% 60,144 0.84%
Jeremie LR 60,144 1.21% 120,288 1.68%
Sub-total institutional investors 90,216 1.82% 180,432 2.53%
ABEO 869,566 17.50% 869,566 12.18%
Free float 2,446,825 49.25% 3,040,679 42.59%
TOTAL 4,968,461 100% 7,139,190 100%

(1) 66.6% of which capital is held by Mr. Christophe Carniel, Chairman and CEO of VOGO.

(2) 95% of which capital is held by Mr. Pierre Keiflin, Deputy Managing Director of VOGO.

About VOGO

In the Sports sector, VOGO is a leading international player, with its audio and video solutions for fans and professionals alike. For professionals, VOGO offers analysis and decision-making tools (referee assistance, medical diagnostics, coaching). VOGO's disruptive solution for fans transforms the stadium experience by providing multi-camera content on demand for tablets and smartphones, no matter how many people are connected. VOGO also operates in the Industry sector. All of the Group's technologies are patent-protected. VOGO is based in France (Montpellier, Grenoble and Paris) and has two subsidiaries, one in North America and the other in the United Kingdom.

VOGO operates indirectly in other countries through its network composed of around thirty distributors. VOGO has been listed on the Euronext Growth Paris stock market since November 2018 (ISIN code: FR0011532225 – ALVGO).

More information on www.vogo-group.com

About ABEO

ABEO is a major player in the sports and leisure market. The Group made revenue of €205.3 million as at 31 March 2022, 74% of which was generated outside France, and has 1,413 employees.

It designs, manufactures and distributes sports and leisure equipment and also provides assistance to professional customers, such as specialised sports halls and clubs, leisure centres, educational bodies, local authorities and construction professionals, in implementing their projects.

ABEO has a unique global offering and operates in a wide variety of market segments: gymnastics apparatus and landing mats, team sports equipment, physical education, climbing walls, leisure equipment and changing room fittings. The Group has a portfolio of strong brands which partner with sports federations and are featured at major sporting events, including the Olympic Games. ABEO (ISIN code: FR0013185857, ABEO) is listed on Euronext Paris – Compartment C.

More information on www.abeo-bourse.com

VOGO contacts

Barbara Desmaret
Tel: +33 (4) 67 50 03 98

Email: b.desmaret@vogo-group.com
ACTIFIN – Press Relations
Isabelle Dray
Tel: +33 (1) 56 88 11 29

Email: idray@actifin.fr
ACTIFIN - Financial Communications
Stéphane Ruiz
Tel: +33 (1) 56 88 11 11

Email: sruiz@actifin.fr

ABEO contacts

ACTUS finance & communication
Investor Relations - Corinne Puissant - investor@beo.fr - Tel: +33 (1) 53 67 36 77
Press Relations - Serena Boni - presse@beo.fr - Tel: +33 (4) 72 18 04 92


This press release does not constitute and may not be considered a public offering or purchase offer, nor as being intended to solicit public interest for the purposes of a public offering. No communication or information relating to this transaction or to VOGO may be distributed to the public in any country in which registration or approval obligations must be satisfied. No steps have been taken (nor will be taken) in any country where such steps would be required.

The purchase of VOGO shares may be subject to specific legal or regulatory restrictions in certain countries. VOGO shall not be liable for any breach by any person of these restrictions.

This press release constitutes a promotional communication and not a prospectus within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No. 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 (the "Prospectus Regulation"). In France, a public offering of securities may only be made by virtue of a prospectus approved by the AMF. For Member States of the European Economic Area other than France (the "Member States"), no action has been undertaken nor will be undertaken for the purpose of enabling a public offering of securities requiring to publish a prospectus in one of

[1] Based on Article L. 225-138 of the French Commercial Code. Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017, the transaction did not entail the submission of a prospectus for the approval of the French financial markets authority (Autorité des marchés financiers - AMF).

[2] Christophe Carniel (indirectly via SAS TWO C), Pierre Keiflin (indirectly via SAS ESPE), Daniel Dedisse and Véronique Puyau, in accordance with their voting undertaking described in the joint press release of 8 March 2023.

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Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/79435-vogoabeocp2vdef_en.pdf






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