17 Apr 2023 10:00 CEST


Lumi Gruppen AS

Oslo, 17 April 2023 - Lumi Gruppen AS (EGO: LUMI)

The annual general meeting of Lumi Gruppen AS will be held on Monday 24 April
2023 at 10:00 (CEST).

The ordinary general meeting will be held as a digital meeting in the Euronext
Securities Portal.

Shareholders that wish to participate in the general meeting must register
participation within 20 April 2023 at 16:00 hours (CEST) through one of the two
procedures set out below:

Electronically by accessing VPS Investor Services; or

By returning the registration form for attendance in Appendix 1 either as a
scanned copy by e-mail to nis@nordea.com or by regular mail to Nordea Bank Abp,
filial i Norge, Issuer Services, Postboks 1166 Sentrum, 0107 Oslo.

Shareholders not complying with the deadline for attendance will not be able to
participate in the ordinary general meeting.

Participation in the ordinary general meeting will exclusively take place
through the Euronext Securities Portal. Access to the Euronext Securities Portal
is only provided to shareholders that have registered attendance within the
deadline set out above.

Contact information Martin Prytz,CFO and Head of Investor Relations
E-mail:IR@lumigruppen.no Mobile:+47 480 14 078

About Lumi: Lumi Gruppen is a leading Norwegian education provider founded in
1989. Today, Lumi Gruppen consists of two main divisions: Sonans and Oslo Nye
Høyskole. Sonans is the market leader in Norway within private candidate exam
preparation courses, and Oslo Nye Høyskole offers high quality bachelor’s
degrees within health, social sciences, psychology and business and
administration, both on campus and online. This information is subject of the
disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities
Trading Act.

587733_Lumi Gruppen AS - Notice of AGM 2023 - Distributed.pdf


Lumi Gruppen AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name







Euronext Growth