11 Apr 2023 08:00 CEST


Odfjell SE

Shareholders in Odfjell SE are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting to
be held online at 16:00 CET on Wednesday May 3, 2023.

Shareholders must log in and cast their votes electronically. If a shareholder
wishes to participate, but not vote in the meeting, a proxy or advance vote may
be given.

The deadline for electronic registration of advance votes, proxy of and
instructions is April 25, 2023, at 16:00 CET. See registration form for

The notice and guidance for digital attendance are enclosed. The following
documents are available on Odfjell.com (https://www.odfjell.com/):

· Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023, including registration form
· The Nomination Committee's proposal for new board members
· Revised guidelines concerning the stipulation of pay and other remuneration
of executive personnel
· Report on salary and other remuneration to leading personnel for 2022
· Odfjell SE Annual Report 2022, including the proposed annual accounts and
Board of Director's Report for the Parent Company and the Group, including Audit
Report and Corporate Governance report
· Independent auditor's assurance report on report of salary and other
remuneration to leading personnel for the financial year 2022

IR Contact:
Nils Jørgen Selvik, VP Corporate Analysis & IR
Tel: +47 920 39 718
E-mail: nils.jorgen.selvik@odfjell.com

The Odfjell Group is one of the leading players in the global market for
seaborne transportation and storage of chemicals and other specialty bulk
liquids. The Odfjell fleet comprises of approx. 70 ships, which trade both
globally and regionally. The tank terminal division consists of four tank
terminals and is part of a network of another 10 tank terminals partly owned by
related parties. The tank terminals are strategically located at selected
international shipping hubs. The Odfjell Group's headquarters are in Bergen,
Norway, and the Group has offices in 13 locations around the world. Odfjell
employs around 2300 staff and posted annual gross revenue of USD 1310 million in
2022. Read more on Odfjell.com (https://www.odfjell.com/).

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5
-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.



Odfjell SE


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

ODFJELL SER. A, ODFJELL SER. B, Odfjell SE 18/23 FRN, Odfjell SE 21/25 FRN


NO0003399909, NO0003399917, NO0010832181, NO0010918048




Oslo Børs