05 Apr 2023 18:24 CEST




Arcueil, April 5, 2023

Nicolas Chartier and Guillaume Paoli, co-founders,
further strengthen their interests in Aramis Group’s capital

Aramis Group [Ticker: ARAMI – ISIN: FR0014003U94], European leader for B2C online used car sales, present in six countries, is announcing that it has been informed of the acquisition of 302,222 shares, representing approximately 0.36% of the Company’s capital and voting rights, by Nicolas Chartier and Guillaume Paoli, the Group’s co-founders, split equally between them1.

More than 20 years after founding the Company and nearly two years after its initial public offering, when they chose to retain a significant percentage of its capital (17.48% combined), Nicolas Chartier and Guillaume Paoli have chosen to further strengthen their presence in the capital by acquiring shares on the market between March 20 and April 4, 2023, illustrating their confidence in the Group’s business model and the potential of the market on which it operates.

Aramis Group chose to list on Euronext Paris in June 2021 with a view to raising the funds required to accelerate its international development and continue moving forward with its ambitious roadmap for growth on the very buoyant market for online used car purchases in Europe. Two years later, the Group’s growth profile is being confirmed more than ever, after nearly doubling its annual revenues and the number of countries where it operates.

The choice made by the founders to further strengthen their positions in the capital, despite the macroeconomic conditions and the impact seen for several quarters with the crisis on the automotive market, highlights their confidence in Aramis Group’s ability to sustainably generate profitable growth and achieve its ambition to become Europe’s preferred platform for buying used cars online.


About Aramis Group – www.aramis.group

Aramis Group is the European leader for B2C online used car sales and operates in six countries. A fast-growing group, an e-commerce expert and a vehicle refurbishing pioneer, Aramis Group takes action each day for more sustainable mobility with an offering that is part of the circular economy. Founded in 2001, it has been revolutionizing its market for over 20 years, focused on ensuring the satisfaction of its customers and capitalizing on digital technology and employee engagement to create value for all its stakeholders. With annual revenues of nearly €2 billion, Aramis Group sells more than 90,000 vehicles B2C and welcomes close to 80 million visitors across all its digital platforms each year. The Group employs nearly 2,400 people and has eight industrial-scale refurbishing centers throughout Europe. Aramis Group is listed on Euronext Paris Compartment A (Ticker: ARAMI – ISIN: FR0014003U94).

Investors contact

Alexandre Leroy
Head of Investor Relations
+33 (0)6 58 80 50 24

1 These acquisitions were made through Sensei Investment and Laurelin, the companies controlled respectively by Mr Nicolas Chartier and Mr Guillaume Paoli, for a total of 151,111 shares each, increasing their individual interests in the Company’s capital to 8.92%.







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