31 Mar 2023 16:59 CEST


Rederiaktiebolaget Eckerö

Reference is made to the stock announcement made by Rederiaktiebolaget Eckerö
(the "Company") on 27 March 2023 regarding the sale of the vessel M/S Birka
Stockholm with expected closing and delivery of the ship in April 2023.

The board of directors of the Company today resolved that it intends to exercise
the special redemption call option set out in the bond terms for
Rederiaktiebolaget Eckerö FRN senior secured EUR 62,000,000 bonds 2021/2026 with
ISIN NO0011130148, subject to closing and delivery of the ship. Upon closing and
delivery of the ship, the Company intends to send a call notice to partially
redeem the outstanding bonds with an aggregate nominal amount of EUR 10,000,000.

This release is considered to contain inside information related to the listed
securities of the Company pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and
is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to MAR and Section 5-12 the
Norwegian Securities Trading Act. The announcement is made public by CFO, Annica
Sviberg, on the date and time stated above.

For any questions please contact:

CEO, Björn Blomqvist; phone: +358 (0)18-28030; e-mail:
CFO, Annica Sviberg; phone: +358 (0)18-28030; e-mail:


Rederiaktiebolaget Eckerö


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Rederiaktiebolaget 21/26 FRN EUR FLOOR C




Oslo Børs