30 Mar 2023 23:57 CEST


Kaldvik AS

Frøya, Norway, 30 March 2023 - Reference is made to the stock exchange notices
published earlier today regarding the private placement (the "Private
Placement") in Ice Fish Farm AS (the "Company"). In connection with the Private
Placement, the following transactions have been made by close associates of the
Company's primary insiders:

•Austur Holding AS, a close associate of Lars Måsøval, board member in the
Company, has subscribed for 7,521,175 new shares in the Private Placement and
8,712,318 new shares by conversion of its outstanding shareholder loans;

•Krossey ehf, a close associate of Adalsteinn Ingolfsson, board member in the
Company, has subscribed for 1,845,942 new shares in the Private Placement and
1,673,883 new shares by conversion of its outstanding shareholder loans;

•Eggjahvita ehf, a close associate of Guðmundur Gíslason, CEO in the Company,
has subscribed for 1,786,586 new shares in the Private Placement and 363,692 new
shares by conversion of its outstanding shareholder loans; and

•AR Invest AS, a close associate of Asle Rønning, chairperson in the Company,
has subscribed for 90,579 new shares in the Private Placement.

Please see the attached notification forms for further information.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to MAR
article 19 and Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

For further information please contact:

Guðmundur Gíslason, CEO

+354 8960426

586772_Ice Fish Farm AS - Notification of transactions by Primary Insiders (Krossey ehf - Adalsteinn Ingolfsson)(18566183.1).pdf
586772_Ice Fish Farm AS - Notification of transactions by Primary Insiders (AR Invest AS - Asle Rønning)(18567374.1).pdf
586772_Ice Fish Farm AS - Notification of transactions by Primary Insiders (Eggjahvita - Gudmundur Gislason)(18566194.1).pdf
586772_Ice Fish Farm AS - Notification of transactions by Primary Insiders (Austur Holding AS - Lars Måsøval)(18566178.1).pdf


Ice Fish Farm AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name







Euronext Growth