22 Mar 2023 18:30 CET



2022-2023 half-yearly results

  • Recurring operating profit up 14.7%
  • Recurring operating margin up 8.6%
  • Increase in operating free cash flow

2022-2023 outlook confirmed


Caissargues, March 22, 2023

In € millions H1 2021-2022 H1 2022-2023 Change
Revenue 223.1 249.7 +11.9%
EBITDA1 46.8 49.9 +6.6%
EBITDA margin 21.0% 20.0%  
Recurring operating profit 18.7 21.5 +14.7%
Operating margin before non-recurring items 8.4% 8.6%  
Operating profit 14.9 18.9 +26.7%
Net profit from continuing operations 5.9 8.3 +42.0%
Net loss from discontinued operations 0 (5.7)  
Net profit, Group share 5.6 3.2 -42.3%

1 EBITDA = recurring operating profit + net depreciation, amortization and provisions.

Groupe Bastide's 2022-2023 half-yearly consolidated financial statements have been subject to a limited review by the Group's Statutory Auditors and were approved by its Board of Directors on March 20, 2023. The results presented to analysts will be available on the website on March 23, 2023, at 2:30 p.m. The half-yearly financial report will be available on the Group's website www.bastide-groupe.fr before March 31, 2023.


Revenue up 11.9%

Groupe Bastide reported revenue of €249.7 million in first-half 2022-2023, up 11.9%. Organic growth2 came in at 5.0% in line with expectations, despite a drop of more than 56% in sales of personal protective equipment (PPE) due to the end of the health crisis.

The more technical business activities (Respiratory, Nutrition-Perfusion-Stomatherapy) maintained strong momentum and recorded revenue of €141.5 million, up 17.0% and up 10.7% on an organic basis. All segments delivered excellent performances, with organic growth at rates of between 8% and 18%.

The “Homecare” business came in at €108.2 million, up 5.6% (down 1.4% on an organic basis). Excluding PPE, the business overall grew by 10.5% (up 2.8 on an organic basis).

International activities increased in line with the Group's development strategy and now represent more than 18.4% of revenue (compared to 16.3% in first-half 2021-2022).


Increase in recurring operating margin despite the inflationary context

In the first half of the year, Groupe Bastide remained resilient despite the current inflationary context, as illustrated by the increase in its recurring operating margin. This performance confirms the pertinence of our strategic choices as regards our international expansion activities and the shift in our business mix towards activities requiring more technical expertise.

EBITDA rose by 6.6% to €49.9 million with a high EBITDA margin of 20.0% despite a negative 150 bps impact related to high inflation, particularly in energy prices, and the 10% price cut in sleep apnea treatment, effective since September 1, 2021. Th

Thanks to the efficient management of net allocations to depreciation and amortization, the Group's recurring operating profit rose by 14.7% to €21.5 million. Recurring operating margin for the period rose to 8.6%, up 20 basis points compared with first-half 2021-2022. This is higher than the minimum 8.3% target announced at the beginning of the year.

Operating profit rose by 26.7% to €18.9 million. Non-recurring expenses, which are not as high as in first-half 2021-2022, include acquisition costs and various extraordinary expenses, including restructuring costs.

Financial expenses increased to €7.2 million, due to the automatic impact of the increase in interest rates. The average net debt rate (calculated over the last 12 months) came to 3.8%, up from 3.4% the previous year.

Net profit from continuing operations increased by a steep 42.0% to €8.3 million, after taking into account a €3.7 million tax expense.

Discontinued operations generated a net loss of €5.7 million over the period including a 4.8 M€ write-down related to Care Service non strategic service activities backed to Care Service' software offer.


Financial structure

Cash flow from operations, up by 24.9% at €50.5 million, resulting from cash flow after tax of €43.0 million and an improvement in working capital of €6.1 million. The change in working capital resulted from a return to more normal inventory levels after the one-off increase in 2021-2022 to avoid potential supply shortfalls.

Net operating investments, which amounted to €26.7 million, have been well controlled thanks to the actions implemented in this area, and remained almost stable compared to first-half 2021-2022, despite the sharp increase in lease revenue.

In the first half of the year, operating free cash flow (cash-flow from operating activities after net cash flow related to PPE and intangible assets and after payment of IFRS 16 lease liabilities), came to a positive €17.6 million, an increase of nearly €11 million compared with first-half of 2021-2022.

During the first half of the year, the Group disbursed €16.3 million in acquisitions, in particular for 4S-Emed, Probace and Oxystore, which were completed during the first half of the year (€7.4 million), earn-outs (€1.4 million) and minority interest buyouts (€7.5 million).

Excluding lease liabilities of €79.1 million, net debt amounted to €322.0 million at December 31, 2022 and shareholders' equity to €79.6 million. Cash and cash equivalents stood at €27.3 million. The Group's leverage (net debt3/annual restated EBITDA4 – excluding IFRS 16 impact), came to 3.88×, in line with expectations and below the authorized leverage of 4.0 at December 31, 2022.


2022-2023 outlook

Groupe Bastide intends to continue its trajectory in the second half of the year and confirms its annual revenue target of around €510 million and a recurring operating margin of over 8.3%.

The Group's priorities in the second half of the year will include continuing the improvement in operating free cash flow already visible in the first-half, with the aim of deleveraging and freeing up new financial resources for acquisitions. The Group continues to selectively assess opportunities to accelerate its international diversification and recurring, high value-added activities.

3 including debt for future earn-outs for €7m
4 EBITDA calculated before IFRS 16 impact and restated according to IAS 17



Publication of third-quarter 2022-2023 revenue on
May 10, 2023, after the close of trading


About Groupe Bastide Le Confort Médical

Created in 1977 by Guy Bastide, Groupe Bastide is a leading European provider of home healthcare services. Present in 7 countries, Bastide develops a permanent quality approach and is committed to providing medical devices and associated services that best meet patients' needs in key health areas: diabetes, nutrition, infusion, respiratory care, stomatherapy and urology. Bastide is listed on Euronext Paris (ISIN: FR0000035370, Reuters BATD.PA, - Bloomberg BLC: FP).

Groupe Bastide Actus Finance  
Vincent Bastide/Olivier Jourdanney
T. +33 (0)4 66 38 68 08
Hélène de Watteville
T. +33 (0)1 53 67 36 33 
Press – Media
Déborah Schwartz
T. +33 (0)1 53 67 36 35



EBITDA (€ millions) H1 2021-2022 H1 2022-2023
Recurring operating profit 18.7 21.5
 - Net depreciation, amortization and provisions 28.1 28.4
 = EBITDA 46.8 49.9


Operating free cash flow (€ millions) H1 2021-2022 H1 2022-2023
Cash flow from operating activities 40.4 52.0
 - Net cash flow related to PPE and intangible assets (25.1) (25.3)
 - Lease liabilities repaid (IFRS 16) (8.6) (9.1)
 = Operating free cash flow 6.7 17.6


Appendices – financial statements

Balance sheet

ASSETS (in thousands of euros) 31/12/2022 30/06/2022
Non-current assets 455,741  445,909 
Goodwill 222,850  217,610 
Right-of-use lease assets 77,333  81,532 
Other intangible assets 8,139  8,470 
Property, plant and equipment 130,988  126,166 
Equity-accounted investees 63  24 
Other non-current financial assets 12,330  8,373 
Deferred tax assets 4,039  3,735 
Current assets 200,666  186,642 
Inventories and work in progress 46,885  48,466 
Client and other receivables 72,825  68,019 
Other receivables 42,744  40,892 
Other current assets 3,208  3,183 
Cash and cash equivalents 27,308  22,133 
Assets held for sale 7,696  3,949 
TOTAL ASSETS 656,408 632,552
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (in thousands of euros 31/12/2022 30/06/2022
Share capital 3,310  3,310 
Additional paid in capital 9,466  9,466 
Retained earnings 66,500  71,788 
Equity attributable to owners of the parent company 79,276  84,564 
Non-controlling interests 332  2,099 
Total shareholders' equity 79,608  86,663 
Non-current liabilities 371,197 370,885
Bonds 25,049  49,936 
Non-current borrowings and debt 272,742  247,029 
Non-current lease liabilities 62,378  66,320 
Non-current provisions 2,044  3,405 
Deferred tax liabilities 4,417  2,928 
Other non-current liabilities 4,566  1,266 
Current liabilities 205,603 175,004
Borrowings and short-term bank debt 51,150  39,209 
Current lease liabilities 16,698  16,739 
Current provisions 754  482 
Supplier and other payables 74,150  63,794 
Other current liabilities 57,999  53,709 
Liabilities held for sale 4,851  1,072 

Profit and Loss statement

In thousands of euros H1 22-23 H1 21-22
Revenue 249,734 223,095
Cost of goods purchased -84,703 -77,724
External costs -41,644 -33,955
Payroll costs -71,930 -62,966
Tax -1,890 -1,944
Depreciation and amortization -29,718 -27,798
(Allocations to)/Reversals of asset impairment and provisions for contingencies and expenses 1,306 -285
Other recurring operating income 298 607
Other recurring operating expenses 0 -330
Recurring operating profit 21,454 18,699
Fair value adjustment of earn-outs -57 -1,290
Other non-recurring operating income 939 1,555
Other non-recurring operating expenses -3,476 -4,072
Operating profit 18,861 14,892
Share in net profit of companies accounted for by the equity method 39 0
Operating profit after share in net profit of companies accounted for by the equity method 18,900 14,892
Income from cash and cash equivalents 0 0
Cost of gross debt -7,233 -5,231
Cost of net debt -7,233 -5,231
Other financial income and expenses 352 444
Profit before tax 12,019 10,106
Income tax expenses -3,698 -4,244
Net profit from continuing operations 8,321 5,862
Net profit from discontinued operations -5,738 0
Net profit 2,583 5,862
- Attributable to owners of the parent company 3,212 5,565
- Attributable to non-controlling interests -629 298
Net profit attributable to owners of the parent company per share    
Undiluted (in euros)(*) 0,44 0,76
Diluted (in euros)(**) 0,44 0,76
(*) calculated for different periods based on the number of existing shares: 7,355,519 7,350,928
**) calculated for different periods based on the the number of existing and potential shares: 7,373,737 7,353,693


Cash flow statement (in thousands of euros ) At 31 december 2022 At 31 december 2021
Consolidated net profit 2,583 5,862
Net depreciation, amortization and provisions 19,043 19,090
Depreciation of right-of-use lease assets (IFRS 16) 9,441 8,829
Gains and losses linked to changes in fair value 53 1,247
Non-cash expenses and income relating to share-based payments 184 227
Other non-cash items 547 -3
Gains and losses on disposals 342 85
Gains and losses on dilution 0 0
Share in profit of companies accounted for by the equity method 0 0
Dividends on non-consolidated companies -10 -4
Impact of discontinued operations 3,040  
Cash flow after cost of net debt and tax 35,224 35,332
Cost of net debt 7,233 5,133
Tax expense (including deferred taxes) 3,701 4,244
Cash flow before cost of net debt and tax 46,157 44,710
Tax paid -3,151 -3,877
Change in WCR linked to operations 6,145 -385
Other cash flows linked to operating activities 0 3
Impact of discontinued operations 2,878  
Cash flows from/(used in) operating activities 52,030 40,451
Impact of changes in scope -16,287 -24,471
Acquisition of property, plant & equipment and intangible assets -25,858 -25,840
Disposal of property, plant & equipment and intangible assets 521 739
Acquisition of financial assets -1,259 -105
Disposal of financial assets 112 262
Change in loans and advances -265 -500
Dividends received on non-consolidated shares 10 4
Other cash flows linked to investing activities 0 0
Impact of discontinued operations -26  
Cash flows from investing activities -43,053 -49,910
Payment to owners of the parent company from capital increases 7 2
Payment to non-controlling interests from capital increases 0 0
Net sale/(purchase) of treasury shares -2 8
Dividends paid -514 -2,208
Loans issued 26,737 219,034
Repayment of loans -9,506 -198,010
Repayment of lease liabilities (IFRS 16) -9,145 -8,583
Net interest paid -7,007 -5,143
Other cash flows linked to financing activities 431 54
Impact of discontinued operations -128  
Cash flows from financing activities 872 5,154
Impact of changes in foreign exchange rates -193 154
Change in cash and cash equivalent 9655 -4,151
Opening cash position 15,200 33,277
Closing cash position 24,855 29,126
Cash and cash equivalent 27,308 29,580
Cash flow liabilities -2,453 -454

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Inside Information:
- News release on accounts, results

Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/79025-rs_2022-2023_eng.pdf






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