21 Mar 2023 08:00 CET

The Board of Directors and CEO hereby present the 2022 Annual Report for
Resurs Bank AB (publ)

The annual report is prepared in thousands of Swedish kronor (TSEK) unless
otherwise stated.

Nils Carlsson, CEO, nils.carlsson@resurs.se, +46 766 44 77 00
Stefan Noderén, Interim CFO & Head of IR, stefan.noderen@resurs.se, +46 70 816
02 24

Resurs is a leading bank in the Nordics with a simple philosophy: we want to
create balance in people's personal finances. On that foundation, we develop
offers and services within loans, savings and payments for retail and
e-commerce that are based on people's everyday lives, and that will create
long-term value for our customers. And for society. Today, we have a customer
base of slightly more than 6 million customers and 645 employees in the Nordic

This information is information that Resurs Bank AB is obliged to make public
pursuant to the Securities Markets Act and the Norwegian Securities Trading
Act Section 5-12. The information was submitted for publication, at 2023-03-21
08:00 CET.

585752_Resurs Bank Annual Report 2022.pdf


Resurs Bank AB (publ)


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Resurs Bank AB 21/23 FRN, Resurs Bank AB 21/24 FRN


NO0011018996, NO0011083453, NO0011151144


Oslo Børs