16 Mar 2023 17:00 CET


Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA

Oslo, March 16, 2023 – (WAWI) – Wallenius Wilhelmsen’s 2022 financial results
were record high. The company capitalized on solid, long-term customer
relationships during a year which saw extensive supply chain disruptions. The
employees tackled these challenges and continued to find tailored customer
solutions to ensure that the demand for shipping and logistics services remained
high and the fleet operated at full capacity.

“The group delivered an all-time high EBITDA of USD 1,548 million. All segments
made significant contributions towards this exceptional result,” says Lasse
Kristoffersen, CEO and President, who stresses that we during the year saw
significant disruptions never seen on such a large scale before.

Our competitive advantage
“Our competitive advantage is the investments and knowledge we have built over
decades to deliver end-to-end services to our customers, both on land and at
sea,” says Kristoffersen. “The fact that we operate across the entire outbound
supply chain makes us well positioned to improve operations and increase

“Our 2022 financial results lay the foundation for a robust position –
financially and strategically – to lead the transformation of shipping and
logistics towards the goal of zero emission,” says Lasse Kristoffersen. “I am
particularly proud of how our people handled the situation during this year: The
pandemic subsided, but timely delivery of cargo was disrupted, severe supply
chain crunches happened. Cargo had to be re-routed, we planned and replanned.
Customer dialog and people relationships became more crucial than ever.”

Significant contributions from all three segments:
• The shipping segment delivered extraordinary results, driven by high freight
rates, operational efficiency and the continued full utilization of our fleet.
• In logistics, the global terminal operations had a very strong year, even
though unstable parts supply had a negative impact on other products. As auto
volumes gradually stabilized, the segment ended the year with increasing
volumes, revenues and margins. Access to labor remained a challenge throughout
the year.
• The government segment saw solid growth, mainly due to high U.S. flag cargo
activity levels driven by the response of United States and NATO to the Russian
invasion of Ukraine.

Record dividend payment
As a result of the strong financial performance, a record dividend payment for
the financial year (FY) 2022 of USD 360 million is proposed to the annual
general meeting. The proposed dividend represents 45 percent of profit and is
well within the dividend policy ratio of 30 to 50 percent of profit.

Total FY 2022 revenue was USD 5,045 million, an increase of 30 percent compared
to FY 2021, with higher revenues in all segments. EBITDA ended at USD 1,548
million, up 87 percent from USD 830 million for FY 2021. Adjusted EBITDA ended
at USD 1,528 million, up 77 percent compared to FY 2021. Net profit for FY 2022
was USD 794 million, up 349 percent from USD 177 million FY 2021.

Please find the annual report 2022 on this page:

For further information, please contact:
Investor relations: Anette Orsten, VP Global Treasury & IR.
Tel: +47 980 67 912, email: anette.orsten@walwil.com

Media relations: Anette Maltun Koefoed, VP Corporate Communications.
Tel: +47 975 87 999, email: anette.maltunkoefoed@walwil.com

Pictures, please see the website:

About Wallenius Wilhelmsen
The Wallenius Wilhelmsen group is a market leader in roll-on/roll-off (RoRo)
shipping and vehicle logistics, managing the distribution of cars, trucks,
rolling equipment and breakbulk to customers all over the world.

The company operates around 125 vessels servicing 15 trade routes to six
continents, a global inland distribution network, 66 processing centers and
eight marine terminals.

Headquartered in Oslo, Norway, the Wallenius Wilhelmsen group has 8,875
employees in 29 countries worldwide.

585498_WAWI annual report 2022.pdf


Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

WALLENIUS WILHELMSEN, Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA 20/24 FRN, Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA 21/26 FRN FLOOR, Wallenius Wilhelmsen ASA 22/27 FRN FLOOR


NO0010571680, NO0010891971, NO0011082091, NO0012495912




Oslo Børs