08 Mar 2023 08:00 CET


Lumi Gruppen AS

Oslo, 8 March 2023 – Reference is made to the stock exchange notice from Lumi
Gruppen AS (the “Company”) on 7 March 2023 regarding the successful completion
of a private placement of 16,666,666 new shares in the Company at a subscription
price of NOK 10.50 per share (the "Offer Price") raising gross proceeds of
approximately NOK 175 million (the “Private Placement”) and a potential
subsequent offering of new shares at a price equal to the Offer Price (the
“Subsequent Offering”).

In accordance with the continuing obligations of companies listed on Euronext
Growth Oslo, the following key information is given with respect to the
Subsequent Offering:

- Date of announcement of the potential Subsequent Offering: 7 March 2023
- Last day of trading including right to participate in Subsequent Offering: 7
March 2023
- First Date of trading excluding right to participate in Subsequent Offering: 8
March 2023
- Record Date: 9 March 2023
- Date of approval on or about: 16 March 2023
- Maximum number of new shares: 2 380 952
- Subscription price: NOK 10.50

For more information, please contact:

Martin Prytz
CFO, Lumi Gruppen AS
Tel: +47 480 14 078
Email: IR@lumigruppen.no

About Lumi: Lumi Gruppen is a leading Norwegian education provider founded in
1989. Today, Lumi Gruppen consists of two main divisions: Sonans and Oslo Nye
Høyskole. Sonans is the market leader in Norway within private candidate exam
preparation courses, and Oslo Nye Høyskole offers high quality bachelor’s
degrees within health, social sciences, psychology and business and
administration, both on campus and online.

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and the EU Market Abuse Regulation


Lumi Gruppen AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name







Euronext Growth