06 Mar 2023 18:00 CET



Robertet SA
37 Avenue Sidi Brahim 06130 Grasse – France
RCS Grasse B 415 750 660


(in thousands of euros)

  2022 2021 Variation Change at constant exchange rate and scope of consolidation
First semester 358 865 297 629 20.6% 5.8%
Second semester 344 172 308 456 11.6% 5.0%
TOTAL 703 037 606 085 16.0% 5.4%

The Board of Directors of Robertet met on 28 February 2023 under the chairmanship of Mr Philippe Maubert.

He expressed his satisfaction with the results for fiscal year 2022, with growth in Group consolidated revenues of +16.0% compared to 2021 (of which +5.4% on a like-for-like basis), despite the unfavorable climate of rising inflation and international tensions, which make the future outlook very uncertain.

Robertet SA performed particularly well, especially in the European market, and the South-East Asian and Chinese sectors also did very well, despite the effects of the pandemic in that region. The Indian subsidiary which the Group considers to be very strategic for its three Divisions, is doing well in its market. Performance in the US market was less favorable.

Provisional and unaudited financial results were reviewed by the Board of Directors. 125 million, up by +6% compared to 2021, despite increases in raw material, energy and transport prices. Estimated net profit is up by around +2%, impacted by the increase in financial expenses and provisions.

The first quarter of 2023 has started positively. For the year, the Group expects organic growth in line with that observed in 2022, in an international environment that remains difficult.

The Group is pursuing its policy of targeted external growth with the acquisition of Aroma Esencial in Spain at the beginning of the year, which reinforces its leadership in natural products. A specific press release is published for this acquisition.

The final results will be published before April 30, 2023 after auditing by the statutory auditors.

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Full and original press release in PDF: https://www.actusnews.com/news/78810-robertet-group-2022.pdf






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