28 Feb 2023 08:00 CET


Benchmark Holdings plc

28 February 2023

Information within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute
inside information under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014

Benchmark Holdings plc
(“Benchmark”, the “Company” or the “Group”)

Q1 Results
(Three months ended 31 December 2022)

Excellent start to the year with growth in all business areas and significant
uplift in Health

In compliance with the terms of the Company’s unsecured Green bond, which
requires it to publish quarterly financial information, Benchmark, the
aquaculture biotechnology business, announces its unaudited results for the
three months ended 31 December 2022 (the “Period”), which constitute the first
quarter for the fiscal year (“FY”) 2023. All Q1 FY22 and Q1 FY23 figures quoted
in this announcement are based on unaudited accounts.
Financial highlights
Continuation of consistent year-on-year growth in Revenue and Adjusted EBITDA on
a rolling twelve month basis
• Q1 FY23 revenues were £54.5m, 36% ahead of the prior year (+29% CER)
o Genetics delivered strong revenue growth 41% above Q1 FY22, driven primarily
by higher sales of salmon eggs and harvest revenues
o Advanced Nutrition also reported strong growth with revenues 19% above Q1
FY22, benefitting from continued positive trading and forex movements
o Health reported excellent growth with revenues 80% above Q1 FY22, driven by
increased adoption of Ectosan® Vet and CleanTreat® and significantly higher
sales of Salmosan® Vet
• Q1 FY23 Adjusted EBITDA excluding fair value movements from biological assets
increased 61% (+56% CER) to £12.1m as a result of higher revenues, higher asset
utilisation and continued cost discipline
o Notably, Adjusted EBITDA in Health increased substantially to £4.1m in the
quarter (Q1 FY22: £0.5m) demonstrating the potential of this business area to
deliver good profitability
o Group Adjusted EBITDA margin of 22% excluding fair value movements from
biological assets (Q1 FY22:19%)
• Net operating loss of £0.1m (Q1 FY22: £1.5m loss)
• Net loss of -£0.7m significantly reduced from prior year (Q1 FY22: -£5.1m)
• Cash inflow from operating activities of £8.1m (Q1 FY22: inflow £1.1m)
• Cash, liquidity and net debt all improved compared to the year end position:
o Cash of £42.8m and liquidity of £62.8m (cash and available facility)
o Reduced net debt excluding lease liabilities of £37.9m (30 September 2022:
o Includes benefit of net proceeds from the fundraise in December 2022 of £11.6m
Operational highlights
• Advanced Nutrition - continued good performance despite relative softness in
the shrimp market
o Growth in all product areas
o Adjusted EBITDA margin in line with prior year at 23% (Q1 FY22: 23%)
benefitting from success of new commercial focus, cost discipline and ongoing
actions to improve efficiency and asset utilisation offsetting cost inflation
o Continued innovation with pre-launch of new artemia tool which counts hatched
• Genetics – Continued growth in salmon egg sales with record number of eggs
o 118m eggs sold in Q1 FY23 (Q1 FY22: 76m eggs) demonstrating continued success
in meeting increased customer demand supported by recent investment in
incubation unit in Iceland
o Temporary slowdown in commercialisation of shrimp genetics (SPR shrimp) in
order to refine product offering based on customer feedback from first
commercial cycle. Expect to relaunch commercial effort in H2
o Post period end, acquisition of remaining 10.52% minority interest in its
subsidiary Benchmark Genetics Iceland, ensuring Benchmark receives the full
benefit from its successful salmon genetics business in Iceland which represents
50% of the Group’s salmon egg capacity
o Exploring strategic alternatives for tilapia breeding activities
• Health – Significant increase in customer adoption of Ectosan® Vet and
o Significant growth in customer adoption of Ectosan® Vet and CleanTreat® with
repeat orders and new client wins which resulted in improved capacity
utilisation and strong profitability
o Progress made towards development of new business model for Ectosan® Vet and
CleanTreat® aimed at reducing infrastructure costs and capex
 Timing of commercial launch of integrated wellboat projects subject to
availability and adoption of new large wellboats by customers
 Progress being made around Customer owned PSV’s which represent a viable
alternative in the medium to long term
Oslo Børs listing
 Progress towards listing on the Oslo Børs, the leading seafood and aquaculture
listing venue globally; ongoing shareholder consultation on whether to maintain
an AIM listing

Current trading and outlook
• Strong Q1 FY23 performance and continued positive trading post period end.
Encouraging outlook for the full year
o Genetics – good visibility of revenues
o Advanced Nutrition – continuing positive performance despite some softness in
the shrimp market
o Health – increasing evidence of customer growing adoption of Ectosan® Vet and
Financial Summary
£m Q1 FY23 Q1 FY22 % AER % CER** FY22
(full year)
Revenue 54.5 40.0 +36% +29% 158.3
Adjusted EBITDA1 11.0 7.4 +48% +44% 31.2
Adj. EBITDA excluding fair value movement in biological asset
12.1 7.5 +61% +56% 29.6
Adjusted Operating Profit2 5.7 2.5 +131% +127% 9.1
Operating loss (0.1) (1.5) +92% +86% (7.9)
Profit/(loss) before tax 0.1 (3.7) +103% +114% (23.2)
Loss for the period (0.7) (5.1) +87% +96% (30.5)
Basic loss per share (p) (0.18) (0.79) (4.60)
Net debt3 (61.4) (64.3) (73.7)
Net debt excluding lease liabilities (37.9) (43.1) (47.5)
Business Area summary
£m Q1 FY23 Q1 FY22 % AER % CER** FY22
(full year)
Advanced Nutrition 22.7 19.1 +19% +4% 80.3
Genetics 21.4 15.2 +41% +42% 58.0
Health 10.4 5.8 +80% +80% 20.1
Adjusted EBITDA1
Advanced Nutrition 5.3 4.3 +23% +9% 19.0
Genetics 2.6 3.3 -21% -10% 16.0
- Genetics net of fair value movements in biological
assets 3.7 3.4 +11% +19% 14.4
Health 4.1 0.5 +643% +635% 0.1

*Constant exchange rate (CER) figures derived by retranslating current year
figures using previous year’s foreign exchange rates
(1) Adjusted EBITDA is EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and
amortisation and impairment), before exceptional items
(2) Adjusted Operating Profit is operating gain or loss before exceptional items
and amortisation of intangible assets excluding development costs
(3) Net debt is cash and cash equivalents less loans and borrowings

Trond Williksen, CEO, commented:

“Benchmark has had an excellent start to the year, again showing a continuation
of the consistent growth we have seen in revenues and net operating profit on a
twelve month rolling basis. This is the result of a good performance in all our
business areas. In particular, it is pleasing to see traction in our Health
business driven by significantly higher adoption of our sea lice solutions,
contributing to a positive financial performance for the quarter.”

“We are making progress towards our goal of up-listing to the Oslo Børs, the
preeminent listing venue for aquaculture and seafood companies globally. This
will enable us to increase our visibility with a dedicated group of analysts and

“We are grateful to our existing shareholders for their support through the
years and we are committed to continuing to deliver improved financial
performance and strategic progress for the benefit of all our stakeholders.”

Analyst / investor presentation and webcast being held today

Trond Williksen, Chief Executive Officer and Septima Maguire, Chief Financial
Officer will host an in-person presentation for analysts and institutional
investors today at 9.00 am CET/8.00 am UK time. The presentation will take place
at Hotel Continental, Stortingsgata 24/26, 0117 Oslo.

A live webcast of the presentation is available for analysts and investors to
join remotely at the following link:


For further information, please contact:
Benchmark Holdings plc benchmark@mphc.com
Trond Williksen, CEO
Septima Maguire, CFO
Ivonne Cantu, Investor Relations

Numis (Broker and NOMAD) Tel: 020 7260 1000
James Black, Freddie Barnfield, Duncan Monteith

MHP Communications Tel: +44(0) 20 3128 8004
Katie Hunt, Reg Hoare, Veronica Farah benchmark@mhpc.com

About Benchmark
Benchmark is a market leading aquaculture biotechnology company. Benchmark’s
mission is to drive sustainability in aquaculture by delivering products and
solutions in genetics, advanced nutrition and health which improve yield, growth
and animal health and welfare.
Through a global footprint in 26 countries and a broad portfolio of products and
solutions, Benchmark addresses many of the major aquaculture species – salmon,
shrimp, sea bass and sea bream, and tilapia - in all the major aquaculture
regions around the world. Find out more at www.benchmarkplc.com

Management Report

The Group delivered excellent performance in the first three months of the year
translating into a 36% growth in revenue and 61% growth in Adjusted EBITDA
excluding fair value movements from biological assets. Performance was good
across all business areas, with each business area reporting improved revenues
and Adjusted EBITDA excluding fair value movements from biological assets when
compared to the same period last year. On a constant exchange rate basis, Group
revenue and Adjusted EBITDA excluding fair value movements were up 29% and 56%

Other operating costs were £11.8m, a 18% increase from the prior year (Q1 FY22:
£9.9m) due to cost inflation and the impact of forex movements. By business
area, operating costs increased more significantly in Genetics reflecting the
investment in growth vectors including SPR shrimp, tilapia and salmon in Chile.
R&D expenses for the Group of £1.6m were in line with the prior year. Total R&D
investment including capitalised development costs was £1.6m (Q1 FY22: £2.3m),
reflecting commercialisation of SPR shrimp during the previous year for which
costs are no longer capitalised.

Adjusted EBITDA (excluding fair value movement from biological assets) was
£12.1m (Q1 FY22: £7.5m) driven by higher revenues, increased asset utilisation
and ongoing cost control. As a result, the Group achieved an Adjusted EBITDA
margin (excluding fair value movement from biological assets) of 22% (Q1 FY22:
19%). Depreciation and amortisation increased 13% from the comparative period
last year to £10.1m (Q1 FY22: £8.9m) as a result of investment in the businesses
and £0.5m impairment of intangible assets in the Health business area which are
no longer being utilised. Exceptional costs incurred in the period of £1.0m (Q1
FY22: £nil) related to costs associated with the listing on Euronext Growth Oslo
and preparation for up-listing on the Oslo stock exchange. However, despite
these increased costs, the Group reported only a small operating loss of £0.1m,
a significant improvement from the £1.5m loss in Q1 FY22.

Net finance income in the period was £0.2m (Q1 FY22: £2.2m expense), with a
£2.5m credit relating to the ineffectively hedged portion of the movement in the
fair value of derivate instruments and a lower amortisation charge on
capitalised borrowing fees of £0.1m (Q1 FY22: £0.3m charge) offsetting the
increased interest charges (-£0.3m) following the refinancing exercise.

The Group reported a small profit before tax of £0.1m (Q1 FY22: loss before tax
£3.7m); the loss after tax for the period was £0.7m (Q1 FY22: loss after tax

The Group’s improved result translated in a significantly higher net operating
cash inflow from operating activities for the period at £8.1m (Q1 FY22: inflow
£1.1m). This was after an increase in working capital of £0.8m and tax payments
of £1.5m in the period. Net cash used in investing activities was £2.2m (Q1
FY22: £2.6m) of which capex was £1.9m (Q1 FY22: £2.5m). Capex in the period
related to investment in Genetics (£1.3m), Nutrition (£0.4m) and in Health
(£0.2m). Net cash inflow from financing activities was £2.2m, with net proceeds
from the fundraise in December 2022 of £11.6m being offset by £4.4m repayment of
debt, £0.6m of capitalised borrowing fees, £2.2m of interest paid and £2.2m of
lease payments. Net increase in cash in the quarter was £8.1m to leave the
period end cash position at £42.8m and liquidity of £62.8m.

Advanced Nutrition

Advanced Nutrition revenues were £22.7m, up 19% with sales higher in all product
areas, also aided by favourable forex rates in the period (revenues increased at
CER by 4%). By product area, sales of Artemia were +23%, Diets +10% and Health
+27% higher than Q1 FY22. Q1 FY23 Adjusted EBITDA was £5.3m, up by 23%
reflecting improved asset utilisation and ongoing cost discipline. Adjusted
EBITDA margin was consistent at 23% (Q1 FY22: 23%). Notably, the Company’s good
performance in Advanced Nutrition was delivered against a backdrop of soft
market conditions entering into FY23 affected by weather conditions in Thailand,
the presence of SHIV virus in Indonesia and in Latin America by high fuel costs
combined with low farm gate prices.

Our continued growth in Advanced Nutrition revenues is a reflection of our
focused commercial effort which brings together our market leading, high
performing product portfolio, experienced technical support and a quality
oriented, reliable supply chain. We continue to innovate both in our existing
range and development of new products and during the period we carried out a
pre-launch of our Artemia counter, adding to our suite of Artemia technologies
to improve customer experience. Examples of our customer-centric commercial
effort in the period include trials of our specialist diets conducted by our
global and regional technical experts working together to optimise customer
performance in Indonesia, and artemia workshops conducted by our regional
technical support and local sales teams aimed at tailoring the use of artemia
tools and hatching protocols to individual customer needs.

Genetics delivered revenues of £21.4m in Q1 FY23 (Q1 FY22: £15.2m), reflecting a
strong growth of 41% (+42% CER). This was driven primarily by sales of salmon
eggs and harvest income which increased by 57% and 31%, respectively. Revenues
from genetic services, our consulting business were 14% ahead of Q1 FY22. There
was a slowdown in the commercial roll-out of the SPR shrimp as we refine our
product offering based on customer feedback in our first year of trading. As a
result, sales from SPR shrimp were 20% below the prior year.
Adjusted EBITDA for Q1 FY23 (excluding fair value movements of biological
assets) was £3.7m, 11% ahead of the prior year (Q1 FY22: £3.4m), and at constant
exchange rates, was 19% higher than the prior year. The fair value movements on
biological assets in the quarter was a £1.1m reduction in value (Q1 FY22: £0.1m
reduction), so Adjusted EBITDA including fair value movements for Q1 FY23 was
£2.6m (Q1 FY22: £3.3m).
Post period end the Company announced the retirement of Jan-Emil Johannessen,
Head of Benchmark Genetics who will be succeeded by Geir Olav Melingen,
currently Commercial Director Salmon at Benchmark, with effect from 1 June 2023.
During his tenure Jan-Emil has built a talented and experienced team capable of
taking Benchmark Genetics through the next phase of growth. Geir Olav Melingen
has extensive experience from leading roles in the aquaculture industry
including at MSD, as CEO of Fishguard and CEO of the Bergen Aquarium. He has
deep experience in fish health and the salmon industry with a PhD in fish health
from the University of Bergen.

Revenues in Q1 FY23 were £10.4m (Q1 FY22: £5.8m) as a result of significantly
increased customer uptake and sales of Ectosan® Vet and CleanTreat® and
significant growth in Salmosan Vet – our well established sea lice treatment.
Revenues from Ectosan® Vet and CleanTreat® were £7.5m of which £1.7m was derived
from recharging vessel and fuel costs associated with the Ectosan® Vet and
CleanTreat® operations.
Revenues from Salmosan® Vet, our long-established sea lice treatment were £2.9m
(Q1 FY22: £1.3m) with significant growth achieved in Canada, Norway and the
Faroe Islands. Growth was driven by a variation to the marketing label which
supports a longer product exposure, as well as enhanced engagement with
customers through our portfolio of sea lice solutions which can be used in
combination to address our customers’ sea lice challenge.
The significant increase in revenues resulted in Adjusted EBITDA of £4.1m in the
quarter (Q1 FY22: £0.5m) demonstrating the potential of this business area to
deliver good profitability.
Operationally we continue to make improvements in the efficiency of the delivery
of our Ectosan® Vet and CleanTreat® solution achieving a new record in the speed
of water transfer between the treatment wellboat and the CleanTreat® units, a
key parameter for our customers. Speed of water transfer is now approximately
double what it was at launch.

In the period we made progress towards a new business model for Ectosan® Vet and
CleanTreat® aimed at lowering the Company’s exposure to infrastructure costs by
lowering capital intensity and capital investment. The Company has established a
partnership with leading specialist wellboat equipment provider MMC and ship
designer SALT to capture opportunities to integrate its CleanTreat® systems into
new wellboats coming to the market. The speed of adoption of a fully integrated
solution on wellboats is reliant on the availability and customer adoption of
new large wellboats. Customer owned PSV’s/platforms are a viable alternative to
large wellboats in the medium to long term.

Oslo Børs uplisting and delisting from AIM
As previously announced at the end of FY22, the Company intends to up-list from
Euronext Growth Oslo to the Oslo Børs and we are making progress towards this
goal. Oslo is the leading listing venue for aquaculture and seafood companies.
There are 27 listed companies in the seafood sector in Oslo while Benchmark is
the only pure play aquaculture company listed on the London Stock Exchange. A
listing on the Oslo Børs provides natural access to an important pool of
specialist investors best equipped to recognise the Company’s added value and
growth potential. The Company is conducting a consultation with shareholders on
whether to maintain a listing on AIM. The potential up-listing to the Oslo Børs
and delisting from AIM are subject to shareholder approval and market

Current Trading and Outlook

Post period end the Company continues to perform well across all business areas
and the outlook for the full year is encouraging. This reflects good visibility
of revenues in Genetics, a positive performance in Advanced Nutrition despite
soft shrimp markets, and increasing evidence of customer adoption for Ectosan®
Vet and CleanTreat® in Health.

583779_BMK Q1 FY23 combined RNS final.pdf


Benchmark Holdings plc


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Benchmark Holdings Plc 22/25 FRN C, BENCHMARK HOLDINGS PLC


NO0012704099, GB00BGHPT808




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