28 Feb 2023 08:00 CET


Bouvet ASA

Bouvet ASA has engaged a third party on 27 February 2023 to conduct repurchases
of the company's own shares to be used in its share programme for employees.

This buyback programme will encompass a maximum of 800,000 shares and comprise
the acquisition of Bouvet shares up to an overall value of NOK 72,000,000.
Before the share repurchases, Bouvet ASA holds 61 506 of its own shares.

From 1 March 2023 until the annual general meeting on 23 May 2023, the buyback
programme will be based on the mandate provided by the AGM of 19 May 2022 and
registered in the Norwegian Register of Business Enterprises. Acquisition of
shares after the 2023 AGM is subject to a new mandate. Should no new mandate be
granted, the existing mandate will apply up to 30 June 2023.

The buyback programme has a fixed duration and share purchases will take place
in specified periods from 1 March 2023 until 30 September 2023.

Shares will be purchased on the Oslo Stock Exchange. The share buyback programme
will be conducted in accordance with applicable safe harbour conditions and
pursuant to the Norwegian Securities Trading Act of 2007, EU Commission
Regulation (EC) No 2016/1052, and the Oslo Stock Exchange's guidelines for
buyback programmes and price stabilisation of February 2021.

For further information, please contact:
CEO: Per Gunnar Tronsli, telephone: +47 900 20 622
CFO: Trude Hole, telephone: +47 977 10 344.

This information is made public by the company pursuant to article 5 of the EU
Market Abuse Regulation, as supplemented by Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)
2016/1052, and is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Bouvet ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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Oslo Børs