21 Feb 2023 12:06 CET


StrongPoint ASA

21.2.2023 12:06:48 CET | StrongPoint | Additional regulated information required
to be disclosed under the laws of a member state

Option holders under StrongPoint ASA's ("StrongPoint" or the "Company", OSE
ticker code: "STRO") share incentive programme have today exercised a total of
300,000 options with an adjusted strike price of NOK 15.58 per share. The
exercised option value will be settled in cash.

The following primary insiders have exercised options: Jacob Tveraabak, CEO,
exercised 150,000 options. He still holds another 450,000 options in addition to
212,246 shares in the Company. Hilde Horn Gilen, CFO, exercised 75,000 options.
She still holds another 18,750 options and 53,827 shares in the Company. Gisle
Elvebakken, SVP Norway, exercised 50,000 options. He still holds another 200,000
options in addition to 39,329 shares in the Company.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to MAR
article 19 and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


* Hilde Horn Gilen, CFO StrongPoint ASA, +47 920 60 158,


StrongPoint is a grocery retail technology company that provides solutions to
make shops smarter, shopping experiences better and online grocery shopping more
efficient. With over 500 employees in Norway, Sweden, the Baltics, Spain, the UK
and Ireland and together with a wide partner network, StrongPoint supports
grocery and retail businesses in more than 20 countries. StrongPoint provides
in-store cash management and payment solutions, electronic shelf labels,
self-checkouts, task and labor management software, click & collect
temperature-controlled grocery lockers, in-store and drive-thru grocery pickup
solutions and grocery order picking solutions, both manual and automated.
StrongPoint is headquartered in Norway and is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange
with a revenue of approx 1.4bn NOK [ticker: STRO].


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StrongPoint ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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