20 Feb 2023 08:00 CET


Veidekke ASA

2 119 Veidekke employees purchased a total of 1 152 400 shares in the company's
annual employee share scheme. More than one tenth of the shares in the company
are currently owned by Veidekke employees.

"Employees' co-ownership is a long-standing tradition in Veidekke. The annual
offer to buy shares at a discount provides all Veidekke employees with an
opportunity to take part in the group's value creation in the form of dividends
and increased share value. Veidekke believes that employees' share ownership
creates added value, by fostering commercial awareness and helping to bring the
group together around strategic directions and common goals," says Jimmy
Bengtsson, Group CEO of Veidekke.

A total of 2 119 participants in the Company's share program for all employees
have on February 17[th] 2023 subscribed for 1 152 400 shares.

The purchase price is equal to the volume-weighted average share price on the
Oslo Stock Exchange in the subscription period, with a deduction for a discount.
Discount for Swedish employees is 25% which gives a purchase price of 84.17 NOK
per share. For the Norwegian and the Danish employee`s the discount is 20%,
which gives a purchase price of 89.78 NOK per share.

The shares are subject to a two-year lock-in period.

A total of 1 844 participants purchased 1 060 350 shares at NOK 89.78 per share.
A total of 275 participants purchased 92 050 shares at a price of NOK 84.17 per

The shares will be transferred March 2023.

The purchases of primary insiders, as well as new holdings, are attached to this

Exercise of employee share options in Veidekke ASA

A total of 81 participants in the Company's share option program have on
February 17[th] 2023 exercised a total of 30 400 options at a strike price of
NOK 50.80.
A total of 50 participants in the Company's share option program have on
February 17[th] 2023 exercised a total of 20 970 options at a strike price of
NOK 55.11. Shares acquired through the program have a sales restriction on one
year after exercise date.

Following the exercise, the employees will purchase 51 370 shares. These shares
will be transferred in March.

The purchases of primary insiders, as well as new holdings, are attached to this

For further information, please contact: Jørgen Wiese Porsmyr, CFO, +47 907 59
058, jorgen-wiese.porsmyr@veidekke.no

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5
-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.



Veidekke ASA


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

VEIDEKKE, Veidekke ASA 18/25 3,20%


NO0005806802, NO0010819261




Oslo Børs