16 Feb 2023 07:00 CET


Standard Supply AS

(Oslo, Norway, 16 February 2023)

Standard Supply AS (Standard Supply, OSE:STSU) reported an EBITDA of USD 1.2
million in the fourth quarter of 2022, up from USD 0.2 million in the same
quarter in 2021. Time charter equivalent earnings were approximately USD 10,600
per day and the utilization was 84% based on availability. In line with the
strategy to return excess cashflow to shareholders, the Board of Directors
proposes a dividend of NOK 0.10 per share for the fourth quarter of 2022.

“Standard Supply ended the year with a solid cash position of USD 8.1 million
plus an undrawn RCF of USD 20 million. Although the North Sea spot market has
been weak so far in 2023, we are encouraged by time-charter fixtures with levels
nearing that of 2012-2014. As last year, we expect the spot market to improve
significantly in the coming months as many vessels leaves for term requirements”
says Martin Nes, Chairman of the Board of Standard Supply.

Based on the fourth quarter results and the strong outlook ahead, the Board of
Directors has proposed a dividend of NOK 0.10 per share. The dividend
distribution must be approved by an extraordinary general meeting of the
Company, and further information will be given in due course.

“The strategy of Standard Supply remains unchanged. We are working diligently on
our growth ambitions across multiple avenues. Since the IPO we have nearly
doubled our earnings capacity through investing more than USD 35 million into
modern PSV tonnage with payback periods as short as two to three years. At the
same time, earnings above our cash breakeven will be distributed to shareholders
on a quarterly basis. Presently, we see increasing attractiveness from 1-year
time charter rates that would allow for dividends above fourth quarter levels”
Nes concludes.

The fourth quarter report- and presentation is enclosed.


For further information, please contact:
CEO Espen L. Fjermestad at +47 95 20 44 93
Chairman of the Board Martin Nes at +47 92 01 48 14

About Standard Supply | standard-supply.com
Standard Supply owns a fleet of nine platform supply vessels (PSVs); three
large-sized, one medium-sized and five medium-sized PSVs with 51% ownership
interest. Standard Supply will actively seek further growth opportunities and is
well positioned to capture improvements in the market with most of the fleet
trading in the spot market. The company has a clear ambition to return excess
cash to its shareholders.

582580_2022 4q Pres STSU.pdf
582580_2022 4q STSU Report.pdf


Standard Supply AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

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