16 Feb 2023 08:00 CET


Standard Supply AS

Oslo, Norway, 16 February 2023

Reference is made to the stock exchange notice issued on 16 February 2023
regarding, inter alia, a proposal from the Board of Directors of Standard Supply
AS (the "Company") to resolve an extraordinary dividend of NOK 0.10 per share.
To enable the Company to distribute such extraordinary dividends, an interim
balance sheet as of 31 December 2022 has been prepared.

The distribution of the extraordinary dividends is subject to approval by the
Company's extraordinary general meeting, as well as approval by the general
meeting of the interim balance sheet. The Board of Directors therefore calls for
an extraordinary general meeting to be held on 23 February 2023 at 10.00 hours
CET, as a physical meeting in the offices of Advokatfirmaet CLP DA, Sommerrogata
13-15, 0255 Oslo.

The notice for the general meeting, including notices of attendance and proxy
forms, and the audited interim balance sheet is attached to this stock exchange

* * *

For further information, please contact:
CEO Espen L. Fjermestad at +47 95 20 44 93
Chairman of the Board Martin Nes at +47 92 01 48 14

About Standard Supply | standard-supply.com Standard Supply owns a fleet of nine
platform supply vessels (PSVs); three large-sized, one medium-sized and five
medium-sized PSVs with 51% ownership interest. Standard Supply will actively
seek further growth opportunities and is well positioned to capture improvements
in the market with most of the fleet trading in the spot market. The Company has
a clear ambition to return excess cash to its shareholders.

582615_Statement of Financial Position - Standard Supply AS - 31 Dec 22 incl audit report.pdf
582615_Standard Supply - Notice of EGM 23 Feb 2023.pdf


Standard Supply AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name







Euronext Growth