15 Feb 2023 07:00 CET


TietoEVRY Oyj

Tietoevry CorporationFINANCIAL STATEMENT RELEASE15 February 2023  8.00 a.m.

· Growth of 9% driven by Tietoevry Create, Tietoevry Banking and Tietoevry
· Adjusted operating margin 15.4% driven by strong growth and performance
improvement programmes
· Strategic reviews of Tietoevry Banking and Tietoevry Transform & Connect
progressing according to the plans
· Increased dividend of EUR 1.45 (1.40) per share proposed

The full Financial Statement Release with tables is available at the end of this

10-12/2022 10-12/2021 1-12/2022 1-12/2021
Revenue, EUR million 767.7 742.0 2928.1 2823.4
    Change, % 3 4 4 1
    Organic growth1), % 9 3 6 0
Operating profit (EBIT), 103.2 113.4 266.5 382.0
EUR million
Operating margin (EBIT), % 13.4 15.3 9.1 13.5
Adjusted2) operating 118.0 103.3 379.2 367.8
profit (EBITA3)), EUR
Adjusted2) operating 15.4 13.9 13.0 13.0
margin (EBITA3)), %
Adjustment items2), EUR -3.5 22.0 -66.0 61.5
Order backlog, EUR million 3327 3513 3327 3513
Net debt/EBITDA 1.5 1.1 1.5 1.1

1) Adjusted for currency effects and impact from acquisitions and divestments

2) Adjustment items include restructuring costs, capital gains/losses,
impairment charges and other items affecting comparability

3) Profit before interests, taxes and amortization of acquisition-related
intangible assets.

Full-year outlook for 2023

Tietoevry expects its organic1) growth to be 5% to 7% (revenue in 2022: EUR 2
928.1 million).

The company estimates its full-year adjusted operating margin2) (adjusted EBITA)
to be 13.0-13.5% (13.0% in 2022).

1) Adjusted for currency effects, acquisitions and divestments.

2) Adjustment items include restructuring costs, capital gains/losses,
impairment charges and other items affecting comparability.

CEO's comment

Comment regarding the interim report by Kimmo Alkio, President and CEO:

"I'm excited by our very strong fourth-quarter performance as we achieved 9%
growth and profitability of over 15%. The main business contributors for the
quarter were our Banking and Care software businesses, as well as the globally
expanding digital engineering -focused Create business. In the full year 2022,
we were able to deliver healthy performance with 6% growth and 13.0%
profitability - despite the challenging macroeconomic and geopolitical
conditions. This favourable financial development enables us to continue on an
attractive dividend path as proposed by the Board of Directors.

Overall, 2022 was a highly transformational year for Tietoevry as we began the
execution of our new specialization-based strategy, including a fundamental
change in the way we operate as a company. I thank all our employees for
embracing this change and for their contributions across our operations
globally. During the past year we have made solid progress in enhancing the
competitiveness of our specialized businesses, identifying future avenues for
profitable growth and expansion. On this note, our earlier announced strategic
reviews for the Banking and Transform & Connect businesses continue to be on

We expect market conditions to remain encouraging for technology investments as
customers across markets and industries are placing high emphasis on new
technologies and skills to drive innovation and competitiveness in their core
businesses. We expect demand for our software and digital engineering businesses
to remain strong while we recognize the potential impact of macroeconomic
development and the continued effects of inflation. In light of the shift in the
business mix towards software and digital engineering, we anticipate favourable
growth and profit development to continue towards our long-term financial

We are also delighted by the progress in both employee engagement and our
sustainability agenda for the year 2022. Our employee engagement reached all
-time high levels in a change-intensive era, underlining the importance of
company values and support for employee well-being. It was also encouraging to
see the positive trend in our reputation and employer image in several Nordic
surveys. While we experienced a number of important and favourable developments
in 2022 for the company, we wish to highlight our commitment to our Ukrainian
colleagues and continue to take all possible measures to support their safety
and well-being.

In light of the continued increase in the importance of companies' social and
environmental responsibility, we have progressed significantly in key areas of
our sustainability agenda. During the year, we advanced in our three-year
Sustainability Plan with commitments to the Science Based Targets with the
highest ambition level and achieved the highest rankings on Ecovadis (Platinum)
and CDP (A) evaluations.

Looking ahead, we are seizing the opportunities digitalization is bringing for
our customers and for the society at large and are committed to continued
sustainable development. As a company, we continuously strive for increased
impact and value for the benefit of our customers, employees and shareholders."

Financial performance by segment

Revenue, Revenue, Growth, Organic Adjusted1) Adjusted1)
Adjusted1) Adjusted1)
% growth, operating operating
operating operating
million million profit2), profit2),
margin2), margin2),

million million
10-12/202 10-12/202 10-12/20 10-12/20 10-12/2022 10-12/2021

2 1 22
Tietoevry 219.3 207.3 6 11 34.8 27.9
15.9 13.4
Tietoevry 144.3 130.3 11 15 25.6 17.7
17.8 13.6
Tietoevry 63.0 57.1 10 14 20.3 19.0
32.2 33.4
Tietoevry 69.7 74.6 -7 3 12.6 13.2
18.1 17.7
Tietoevry 125.7 122.3 3 6 14.4 9.6
11.5 7.9
Tietoevry 216.4 233.3 -7 -3 18.3 22.1
8.4 9.5
Eliminations -70.7 -82.9 - - -7.9 -6.2
- -
Group total 767.7 742.0 3 9 118.0 103.3
15.4 13.9

1) Adjustment items include restructuring costs, capital gains/losses,
impairment charges and other items affecting comparability.

2) Profit before interests, taxes and amortization of acquisition-related
intangible assets.

3) Adjusted for currency effects and impact from acquisitions and divestments.

For further information, please contact:

Tomi Hyryläinen, Chief Financial Officer, tel. +358 50 555 0363, tomi.hyrylainen
(at) tietoevry.com

Tommi Järvenpää, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +358 40 576 0288,
tommi.jarvenpaa (at) tietoevry.com

A teleconference for analysts and media will be held on Wednesday 15 February
2023 at 10.00 a.m. EEST (09.00 am CET, 08.00 am. UK time). Kimmo Alkio,
President and CEO, and Tomi Hyryläinen, CFO, will present the results online in
English. The presentation (https://tieto.videosync.fi/2022-q3-interimreport) can
be followed on Tietoevry's website (http://www.tietoevry.com/investors).

To take part in the questions and answers session after the presentation you
will need to dial in by phone. You can access the teleconference by registering
on this link (https://palvelu.flik.fi/teleconference/?id=10010584). After the
registration you will be provided phone numbers and a conference ID to access
the conference.

The event is recorded and it will be available on demand later during the day.
Tietoevry publishes its financial information in English and Finnish.

Tietoevry Corporation


Nasdaq Helsinki

Nasdaq Stockholm

Oslo Børs

Principal Media

Tietoevry creates purposeful technology that reinvents the world for good. We
are a leading technology company with a strong Nordic heritage and global
capabilities. Based on our core values of openness, trust and diversity, we work
with our customers to develop digital futures where businesses, societies, and
humanity thrive.

Our 24 000 experts globally specialize in cloud, data, and software, serving
thousands of enterprise and public-sector customers in more than 90 countries.
Tietoevry's annual turnover is approximately EUR 3 billion and the company's
shares are listed on the NASDAQ exchange in Helsinki and Stockholm, as well as
on Oslo Børs. www.tietoevry.com



TietoEVRY Oyj


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