15 Feb 2023 13:15 CET


Sparebanken Møre

The following primary insiders/closely associated persons in Sparebanken Møre
have today received a total of 2,219 Equity Capital Certificates (ECC) in
connection with the decision to award a bonus to the bank's employees. The CEO
is not covered by the bonus remuneration.
• Elisabeth Blomvik, EVP, Retail Banking Division 197
• Terje Krøvel, EVP, Corporate Banking Division 201
• Erik Røkke, EVP, Risk Management and Compliance 192
• John Arne Winsnes, EVP, CFO 238
• Kjetil Hauge, EVP, Organizational Support 185
• Marie Rekdal Hide, Employee representative at Board of Directors 160
• Birgitte Espe, Deputy employee representative at Board of Directors 158
• Jørgen Ove Havnsund, Deputy employee representative at Board of Directors 157
• Ove T. Ness, SVP, Head of Treasury 179
• Sandra M. Helseth, SVP, Head of Financial Reporting and Accounting 181
• Norun Sønderland Nustad, employee, closely associated person to deputy member
of the Board of Directors 13
• Bjørn Følstad, Employee representative at Board of Directors 162
• Ove Skjeret, EVP Section Business Development 196

See attachment for further details.

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section
5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act and MAR regulations Article 19.

582500_Notification of transactions MAR Article 19.pdf


Sparebanken Møre


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

SPAREBANKEN MØRE, Spb Møre 17/28 FRN C SUB, Spb Møre 19/PERP FRN C HYBRID, Spb Møre 19/23 FRN, Spb Møre 19/23 2,35%, Spb Møre 20/24 FRN, Spb Møre 20/25 1,28%, Spb More 21/27 FRN C, Spb More 22/28 FRN, Spb More 22/32 FRN C SUB, Spb More 22/PERP FRN C HYBRID


NO0012483207, NO0010809304, NO0010856495, NO0010871353, NO0010871361, NO0010895618, NO0010904907, NO0010917933, NO0012422916, NO0012490012, NO0012526286




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