13 Feb 2023 14:41 CET


Sparebanken Sør

Geir Bergskaug, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Sparebanken Sør, has today
purchased 7,000 equity certificates in SOR at price NOK 129.89 per EC. See
attachment for details. New holding for Geir Bergskaug is 83,203 equity

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to MAR and
Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

582208_Skjema for melding om transaksjoner utført av personer med ledelsesansvar («primærinnsidere») og deres nærstående (KRT-1500).pdf


Sparebanken Sør


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

SPAREBANKEN SØR, Spb Sør 15/25 2,685%, Spb Sør 15/25 3,30%, Spb Sør 16/PERP ADJ C HYBRID, Spb Sør 17/23 2,02%, Spb Sør 18/28 FRN C SUB, Spb Sør 18/24 2,46%, Spb Sør 19/PERP FRN C HYBRID, Spb Sør 19/29 FRN C SUB, SPB Sør 19/23 FRN, Spb Sør 19/24 2,44%, Spb Sør 20/26 FRN C, Spb Sør 20/30 FRN C SUB, Spb Sor 21/27 FRN C, Spb Sor 21/PERP FRN C HYBRID, Spb Sor 21/25 1.80 pct, Spb Sor 22/27 2.885pct, Spb Sor 22/27 FRN, Spb Sor 22/27 4.15pct, Spb Sor 22/PERP FRN C HYBRID, Spb Sor 22/26 FRN, Spb Sor 22/26 4.54pct, Spb Sor 22/32 ADJ C SUB, Spb Sor 22/28 FRN


NO0006001502, NO0010735418, NO0010754849, NO0010768229, NO0010805385, NO0010825094, NO0010830631, NO0010832157, NO0010837313, NO0010867658, NO0010871247, NO0010872344, NO0010872351, NO0010886781, NO0010887177, NO0010920788, NO0010936784, NO0011099764, NO0011147647, NO0012446493, NO0012446485, NO0012548926, NO0012548918, NO0012626946, NO0012703448, NO0012703455, NO0012721804, NO0012780909, NO0012780917




Oslo Børs Nordic Alternative Bond Market