10 Feb 2023 12:10 CET


Posten Bring AS

Posten Norge AS, ratet A+/Stable by Scope has today successfully issued NOK 500
million in unsecured green bonds through a 3 year issue with floating rate and a
coupon of 3m Nibor + 0.78 % p.a.
Nordea has acted as manager for the bond issue.

The new bond issues will be applied for listing at Oslo Børs.

For queries, please contact:
Ulf Aass, Group Treasurer, Mob: +47 913 37 689


Posten Norge AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Posten Norge AS 21/26 2.125pct, Posten Norge AS 21/26 FRN


NO0011157281, NO0011157299


Oslo Børs