10 Feb 2023 13:46 CET

Color Group AS has today successfully completed a new senior unsecured bond
issue of NOK 900 million with maturity 23 August 2026 and a coupon of 3 month
NIBOR + 5.25%. The transaction was substantially oversubscribed. An application
will be made for the bonds to be listed on Oslo Stock Exchange. The net proceeds
from the bond issue will be applied towards refinancing of existing indebtedness
and for general corporate purposes.
Arctic Securities, Danske Bank, DNB Markets, Nordea and SEB acted as Joint Lead
Managers in connection with the placement of the new bond issue .

For further information, please contact:

Bjørn Paulsen (CFO Color Group AS & ON Sunde AS,
Tel: +47 23 11 86 22
Mob: +47 481 30 668

Christian Arndt (Finance Director Color Group AS),
Tel: +47 23 11 86 14
Mob: +47 915 93 048


Color Group AS


Oslo Børs Newspoint

Company Name

Color Group AS 18/23 FRN, Color Group AS 19/24 FRN FLOOR, Color Gr AS 20/PERP FRN C SUB


NO0010837214, NO0010864531, NO0010893340


Oslo Børs